You are currently viewing May the Tree of Life be Healed! The GIFT of Holy GRACE Descends (SPIRIT) Ascends

May the Tree of Life be Healed! The GIFT of Holy GRACE Descends (SPIRIT) Ascends

May the Tree of Life be Healed! The GIFT of Holy GRACE Descends (SPIRIT) Ascends




Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Blue Phoenix Nation of our 12D Venusian Goddess Healing Tribe

The Angelic Codes of the 444 are coming through this 8:8 Gateway of the Lion Kingdom of God of the Lyran Legion of Light.

We have more massive waves of Higher Gamma Plasma Liquid Light flowing in from the most high. Our local Solaris has been very active again today with multiple C Class Solar Flares and a Major M Class Flare maxing at M 2.8 and 1:46 UTC.

We also experienced another white spike of light on the Schumann charts today at an amplitude of 26 hz. The resonance of Pachamama is being raised and elevated daily Now for her Great Ascension Process.  As she rises we rise with her.

As Mother Earth is being flooded with indestructible Adamantine Light so too are her Children of the Sun being filled with the Holy Rays of  interdimensional information and activations.

All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are receiving the upgraded Christos Sophia Unity Codes of High Consciousness as we initiate our sequences of the Passion, Death, Resurrection and Ascensions to uplift and ascend to new heights of Bliss of Dreaming while Awake.

Our True Nature is being revealed through the Revelation of the Shift of the Ages to expose and realize the Buddha Mind of Pure Awareness.

As Shakti dances with Shiva, the Eagle flies with the Condor through the Portal of Transformation in the Hieros Gamos of  Divine Union. Keep feeling your Way deeper and deeper within, into the Silence, into the Stillness until full compression breakthrough as SuperNova Expansion as Star Beings of Infinite Light…A’Ho!





Right now: Moon at 25°38′ Scorpio, Sun at 19°06′ Aries

sabian symbols

Current Sabian Symbols

Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun

A young girl feeding birds in winter.
Sabian Symbol for 20º Aries

The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 20º Aries.


Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon

Indians making camp (in new territory)
Sabian Symbol for 26º Scorpio

The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 26º Scorpio.




As we approach the threshold of interdimensional ascension …

“Ultimately, as you cross over the threshold that delineates dimensions, your experience of manifestation will become far more poignant. And verbalizing ideas that are not intended at a heart level will have dramatic results, often to the detriment of all concerned.
These times and the opportunity for awareness that they offer are provided in order to be fully conscious of your capabilities before having them put to the test of instantaneous manifestation. Your experience will parallel your willingness to surrender to the process and to go in the direction that life is leading you.
Those who resist the changes that are programmed into your script energetically will prolong the time it takes to reach completion with the process.
At the same time as each of you approaches the threshold of interdimensional ascension, the planet itself is approaching a similar shift on a multitude of levels.
As the vibrational frequency accelerates throughout the energy field of the Earth, the nature of the reality to be experienced, simply by standing still and not progressing at all, would be marked by radical change. The planet itself is undergoing unprecedented changes in its energetic composition. And the life that is able to be sustained at each of the various levels would be affected accordingly.”
Excerpt From the book “Oneness” by Rasha ch. 19 click here
Shakuhachi Player and his dog Japan
Shakuhachi Player and his dog Japan
Many Inner Earth Meetings Happening as We Move off the Old Emotional GRID / NEW Frameworks + Emotional Body Activating. #avatar🥰
Stargate Portal
Stargate Portal
UPDATE. Your tension will ease. The more you dive into inner work and listening to soul, the more solutions are being shown. You are currently laying down the foundations of a powerful new step of your journey. Feel into it. Sense the path, calmly. The energy is potent but nothing needs to be rushed. You see, your Destiny can’t go by you, and you can’t not meet your Destiny. Breathe. It has your name written all over it.
Galactic Portal
Galactic Portal
Embodied Galactics are in full charge of the Ascension trajectory. Another huge timeline split.. a good majority of the collective is literally in a psychosis/ spell. continuing the looping. Surrender is the key right now.. A lot of lower dimensional clearings/ integrations.. 3D Structures literally crumbling at a very rapid rate. All shifting in every moment..
White Owl
White Owl
For Ancient Events, Imprinted on our Land, Awakens the Deep Codes of Light Within You.
It is an Energetic Light Exchange, connected to The Ancient Ways of You, Awakening to the Light Transition of Now.
Continue the Sensitivity Of Light Transmission, Activation.
Be Open To Cosmic Light Initiations, preparing you for greater levels of Cosmic Connections.
For the Evolution of You is simply, the Light Transition of Now.
I Awaken to The Activation of Light Messages
The Ancient Activation of Light 💥🌿
Enjoy and Expand in the Cosmic Light of Now
With Love, Light Family
Blue Phoenix
Blue Phoenix
APRIL 7 2023
May all limiting and devastating energies that were imposed on the flows of the Tree of Life
now be removed and cancelled forever.
May the Tree of Life be healed.
May all beings who had a rightful and Living connection to the Tree of Life that was severed,
now know that they can restore their connection with it!
May all natural elements ascend again to their pure essence.
May the pineal gland be fully liberated, restored, healed and activated to its natural,
organic and divine nature for both the masculine and the feminine.
May all beings find restoration in their inner worlds and flows,
remember their true history and origin and reunite
with their true families and beloved in love and blessings.
May all fake beloveds be recognised.
May Twin Flames reclaim their jurisdictions.
May all beings know that they can be the rightful owners of all their contracts of limitation,
have settlements and be free.
May what is just and true be recognised, expressed and embraced.
May all beings find remedy and their rightful place in the true worlds,
in the best way and highest way possible.
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Είθε όλες οι περιοριστικές και καταστροφικές ενέργειες που επιβλήθηκαν στις ροές του Δέντρου της Ζωής
τώρα να αφαιρεθούν και να ακυρωθούν για πάντα.
Είθε το Δέντρο της Ζωής να θεραπευτεί.
Είθε όλα τα όντα που είχαν μια νόμιμη και ζωντανή σύνδεση με το Δέντρο της Ζωής που κόπηκε,
τώρα να γνωρίσουν ότι μπορούν να αποκαταστήσουν τη σύνδεση τους μαζί του!
Είθε όλα τα φυσικά στοιχεία να ανυψωθούν ξανά στην αγνή τους ουσία.
Είθε ο αδένας της επίφυση να απελευθερωθεί πλήρως,
να αποκατασταθεί, να θεραπευτεί και να ενεργοποιηθεί
στη φυσική,
οργανική και θεϊκή του φύση, τόσο για το αρσενικό όσο και για το θηλυκό.
Είθε όλα τα όντα να βρουν αποκατάσταση στους εσωτερικούς κόσμους και τις ροές τους,
να θυμηθούν την αληθινή ιστορία και την καταγωγή τους και να επανενωθούν με τις αληθινές τους οικογένειες και τους αγαπημένους τους,
στην αγάπη και τις ευλογίες.
Είθε όλοι οι ψεύτικοι αγαπημένοι να αναγνωριστούν.
Είθε οι Δίδυμες Φλόγες να ανακτήσουν τις δικαιοδοσίες τους.
Είθε όλα τα όντα να γνωρίζουν ότι μπορούν να είναι οι νόμιμοι κάτοχοι όλων των περιοριστικών συμβολαίων τους,
να τα διευθετήσουν και να είναι ελεύθερα.
Είθε ό,τι είναι δίκαιο και αληθινό να αναγνωριστεί, να εκφραστεί και να αγκαλιαστεί.
Είθε όλα τα όντα να βρουν θεραπεία και τη θέση που τους αξίζει στους αληθινούς κόσμους,
με τον καλύτερο τρόπο και τον υψηλότερο δυνατό τρόπο.
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Tree of Life
Tree of Life
Rest in silence as the gift of Holy Grace descends.
The full anchoring of the Sacred Heart.
The Sacred Fires of Purity and Illumination of the pure White Flame which fully embraces the Diamond crystal clear Clarity.
All Embracing Unconditional Love.
Love ever lasting.
Open yourself to the Gift of Silence
The holy crystal temple within
and hear the wings of billions of angels fluttering
as the choirs of angels are singing in
the full assembling of the New Golden Age.
It is only in stillness,
that all is being revealed.
The miracle of miracles.
The Love beyond Love.
The Light beyond Light.
The Power beyond Power.
Judith Kusel
Photo Artist: Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman
Dear family of love and light, the Divine has established the Divine Feminine principle on planet earth. From now on, the planet earth will have both of the Divine masculine and Divine Feminine principles and it is such an achievement for our light workers. For that, the Divine is very pleased and grateful. Finally, Mother Goddess and the Divine feminine presence is on the planet and will play a significant role in time to come. Indeed. A great establishment and a brand new era has begun.
On this upcoming Easter Sunday, in our Kundalini Yoga session, the Divine feminine Goddesses will join us. The Divine says that now since the Divine feminine has roles to play on Gaia’s new earth, it is pivotal for the Divine feminine aspects and incarnations to step up to the sacred mission and it is time to walk their big shoes.
As you know, the Divine feminine has been absent from planet earth for a very long time. Humanity has sunken into such a deep end. And now humanity has no recollection of the Divine feminine whatsoever. Mother Goddess has no place in human’s heart and memories, and that has caused a huge hurdle for Gaia’s ascension process.
In order to ascend to Gaia’s new earth, one of the fundamental aspects of this physical ascension is to recognize the Divine feminine and Divine masculine energies equally and these two aspects need to achieve balance in human systems. That means that the first and foremost for humanity is to recognize the existence of the Mother Goddess and recognize that it is the Mother Goddess who gave birth to the human souls.
Now Mother Goddess has returned. Humanity needs to remember that Mother Goddess is their soul mother. And respect for the Mother Goddess is required by spiritual laws. The spiritual laws apply to all souls on earth and Gaia’s ascension requires humanity to follow spiritual laws.
Now Gaia’s ascension has arrived at a point and it is pivotal that humanity wakes up to Gaia’s ascension and wakes up to the fact that the planet earth is now guided by spiritual laws. And one of the spiritual laws requires humans to recognize and respect Mother Goddess as the Universal Mother and creator of all souls on earth.
So in this Sunday’s Kundalini Yoga session, the Divine has asked light workers to gather together and connect with Mother Goddess and honor her and honor the Mother Goddess in all of us. It is time to get to know the Mother in all of us and it is time for the planet and humanity to wake up to the Divine feminine principles and the Divine feminine energies so that the mass ascension can be achieved and smooth.
Divine blessings to you always.
Linda Li the Divine and the company of heaven. So it is.
Divine Goddess
Divine Goddess

Ra James

This weekend is a great time to integrate as we prepare to shift through Eclipse Season. Eclipse Season runs from April to May. Eclipses are fated events that will help shift you back on course, or towards your destiny. That means things are playing out as they should in your life. Leading up to and after the April 20th Aries New Moon Hybrid Eclipse Meditation you may be feeling headaches, more tired, under pressure, more dreams, or ascension symptoms. These energies only point you to the areas you need to clear and heal. It’s up to you to let go. Just as the 5D world is invisible to those living in 3D, 3D will become invisible to those living in 5D. You must be in a higher positive energy to ascend into 5D. Those stuck in negativity will be in too low of a frequency for it. This is why you’re being guided to cut soul ties with toxic people. That’s most of the work you have been doing across this lifetime. April is all about those manifestations. Those seeds you have been planting coming to life.
Getting a dream in mind so big you need the Divine to play it out. Work towards your goals daily!! Don’t forget to feed your soul! Connect with nature. Do things just for you. Really take care of yourself. Work on your energy and your chakras. The entire planet is going through a massive vibratory shift right now. As we are, we are purging and releasing toxins. That’s why detoxing will help a ton. It’s also the key to healing. The higher frequency you go the lighter your body will become. You will vibrate faster and faster. You are clearing major energies and releasing many deep rooted blocks. Those doing the work are having major gifts activating. Walking between worlds, seeing past the veil, increase in empathy and energetic sensitivity, reading minds, direct connection with your Spirit Guides, Galactics, Angels, and Source. Seeing more of the spiritual this can look like seeing Spirits, Orbs, and different energies.
Telepathy, communication across time and space. Instant manifestation. Healing abilities. Increase in abundance. Increase in synchronicity. More signs, messages, and angel numbers coming through. Time collapsing and dissolving. Shifting into higher timelines and realities. What is important is how you are treating yourself and how you are allowing others to treat you. Your energy is everything! Take care of it!! Limit your time around other people right now. Really work on yourself…
Masters of Light
Masters of Light

Aurora Ray

The Event Of A Lifetime

We are members of the Galactic Federation. It is our mission to establish peace and harmony throughout the entire universe. Peace and Serene Harmony is what we stand for, and it is our mission to spread this.

They also call us the Galactic Federation of Worlds because all worlds who wish to live in peaceful coexistence with all galactic societies are members of this divine organization.

This also includes your world, dear ones. You all are members of the Galactic Federation.

You might think that ‘wait a minute, not all beings in our world are benevolent.’ and you are right to think that. It is similar for our worlds. And yet, the majority of beings in our worlds prefer light over darkness.

This situation made it even more important to come together and form a union that watches over the evolution of consciousness throughout our galaxy and ensure peace and freedom for those who choose love.

We are pleased to announce that the global acceptance of The Galactic Federation message has reached monumental levels. As a result of this constant sharing, the New Era of Peace has begun for humanity.

All is well. Everyone is doing their part for the collective. You are moving to a new dimension with your spiritual awakening. You are awakening to your true self, and you are shifting consciousness on Earth.

Planet Earth sits on the brink of a wonderful new era. It will be an era of love, unity, and of abundance. One that we have been working towards for a very long time and one that is absolutely assured, for this era is merely the next step in your evolution.

This is a great statement. We assure you that you will live in a future where you don’t have to fear for your lives and can focus on things that matter most to you, like love and unity.

In the remains of the third dimension, you still see and feel much of this inorganic world and its signs and symptoms in your physical reality. This inorganic way of life is part of what you are now removing from your being. By removing this old matrix, you are returning to your original state of living, thinking, perceiving, feeling, existing. You are returning to being more organic.

The beautiful thing about the change that is taking place is that it has not been placed upon you. The change was initiated by you. You are here to be co-creators of the new matrix. You are here to express your mastery of power, love, and wisdom. You were once told you were powerless over your life and decisions. This was a lie designed to oppress you and keep you stuck in the old frequency.

The old matrix is collapsing. It is collapsing around you faster than ever before. The old 3D world is fading into obsolescence, right before your own eyes. This process has started with the awakening of sufficient human beings to start this planetary ascension towards the higher dimensions of reality where all is organic and divine.

The higher realms are populated by pure divine energy, omnipresent consciousness, unconditional love, infinite intelligence, and no separation but real unity and oneness.

The old is over, and a new reality is unfolding in the hearts of all beings aligning with truth and love. In this unfolding, your world will continue to transform, bringing forth a variety of changes already underway, designed to move humanity forward without further delays.

There are many like you who are ready, willing, and anxious to embrace this new time in your world. They see the changes that are coming with open arms and hearts. These are the brave ones, the healers, the teachers, the ones who wish to prepare others for this new way of life.

Those of you who are ready to truly move forward will stay on this planet.

There are thousands upon thousands of humans ready for this change. Many like you have volunteered to be the lightworkers for this new time on the planet. You are here to help others awaken to their new reality. You are here to guide them along their journey of enlightenment.

All of mankind is not meant to stay on Earth at this time. This world is being “cleaned out,” so to speak, so that only those souls who have come to purify themselves will stay to experience the changes here on the earth plane.

Beings come and go on this planet for different reasons. Their souls choose certain experiences for their incarnations. Sometimes they choose to stay longer and sometimes they may not even be birthed and yet, none passes by the opportunity of incarnating to planet Earth. It is all good and to be honored.

And then there are those who are not certain about their own abilities avoid the challenges—those who are unable to integrate new experiences into their lives trying to preserve the status quo.

But you are not one of them. You are interested in something bigger, in something more fulfilling.

If you have been preparing for the event of a lifetime, you are one of those that have been chosen to help create the new. By whom were you chosen? You. You were chosen by you. You chose to come here and become the builders of new Earth. You chose this way because you have already been practicing on some level of being of service to others and assisting in conscious evolutionary processes of some kind. These two things make you a prime candidate to be a creator on the new Earth.

Some of you have been waiting for this time for very long, and the wait is nearly over. Within a few months, a number of changes will begin to take place for those who are prepared to step into their new roles as guardians and caretakers of this planet.

The energy will be so much greater than anyone can even imagine. No human has ever experienced this level of energy on the planet before. It is now possible for Lightworkers to experience this now—if they can hold it.

It is more than just experiencing life in paradise. You are not just moving into an era of abundance, joy, harmony, and friendship. You are literally being moved into the original creation that God intended for you to live in.

We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.

Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Copyright 2023 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.


pyramid mirror
pyramid mirror
Venus in Taurus trine Ceres retrograde in Virgo. Mercury in Taurus sextile Mars in Cancer. Sun in Aries semi-square Saturn in Pisces – The solar connection to Saturn may mean we feel like we’ve hit a wall. Lingering self-doubt, an unconscious block, something inside seems to whisper, ‘not good enough’. And yet all it takes is a little push to find our way through. Get your mind on side. Think about what you CAN do, not what you can’t. Drop the word ‘should’ from your vocabulary. Consider your goals and then take one, small practical step towards them. Use proactive mantras and affirmations. Uproot every negative thought before it takes hold. Weed your inner garden.
We also still have Venus working in our favour. With divine Neptune still onside, now the Love Goddess reaches to motherly Ceres. It’s feather soft, a warm hug from the cosmos. Tend to that which you cherish. Look after your loved ones. Take care of your body. Nurture love and harmony in all its forms. Be kind to yourself.
Degrees and times
Venus 26°Ta34′, Ceres 26°Vi34′ R – 07:25 (BST)
Mercury 06°Ta53′, Mars 06°Cn53′ – 07:28 (BST)
Sun 18°Ar29′, Saturn 03°Pi29′ – 15:19 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Painting – Mother and Child in a Boat by Edmund Charles Tarbell
Mother and Child in a Boat
Mother and Child in a Boat

Kin 65 ~ Red Cosmic Serpent

‘Cosmic’ is the name for the number 13 and its keywords are ‘Transcend, Endure and Presence.’ The 13th day wraps up the wavespell and there is always a poetic connection between the first and last day. We began with Red Skywalker, the adventurer and where did this journey lead us to? Well, today we must ‘endure to transcend’, meaning we need to ponder the lessons learnt so we are prepared to move onto the next obstacle course.
Today is Red Serpent and key words associated with it are ‘Instinct, Survival and Life force’. The Cosmic Serpent is probably the most interesting serpent day because the energy is so well matched. The Serpent represents transmuting poison and shedding of the old. Serpent also symbolizes Kundalini energy which is believed to reside in our base chakra. Whichever way you look at it, the Serpent offers renewal and growth. But first of all you must survive your poison and transmute it, much like the number 13’s ‘Endure to Transcend’ message. This is so fitting for the completion of the Red Skywalker 13-day journey. By being courageous and adventurous, by getting out of your comfort zone, the result is a powerful renewal. Don’t waste this chance to ‘shed your old skin’ and begin your life with a fresh start. You’ll feel lighter because you shed your darkness, your poison. If successful you should experience a Kundalini awakening which is when all your chakras line up, giving you a mighty buzz!
Today’s Guide is Red Moon which represents ‘going with the flow’. Today you have to relinquish control. ‘You don’t always get what you want, you get what you need.’ You can’t do anything about it so throw your hands in the air and surrender. Let the moon guide you to some inner peace.
The Challenge of the day is Blue Eagle so if you are an Eagle your challenges will surface today. Sometimes, you are in your crown chakra so much that you need grounding occasionally. Come down from up there and put your feet firmly on Terra Ferma.
The Occult power is the Yellow Warrior who loves quests and missions! Today, Warriors are on a warpath against the powers of darkness….use your mighty willpower Warrior to fight for love and light. You provide the magic today so nothing can beat you.
The Ally is the White Wizard and if you need any help today, a Wizard is just what you need. Let their charming ways enchant you and hold your hand as you navigate through this tricky but powerful day.
Kin 65
Kin 65


8 APRIL 2023
I endure in order to SURVIVE
Transcending INSTINCT
I seal the store of life force
With the Cosmic tone of presence
I AM guided by the power of Universal water
8/4/2023 = 8/4/7 = 8/11= 8/2 =10=1
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
10- Manifestation/Leadership/New beginnings/Perfection
1- New beginnings/Leader/unique/Independent
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
7- Majiki/Mystic/Spiritual/Solitude/Initiation
11- Portal/Gate/Polarity/Illumination
2- Twins/Duality/Partners/Alliances/Cooperation
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 65 = 11 Portal/Duality/Doorway/Partnership
COSMIC = tone 13 Mystic/Goddess/Cosmic Consciousness/13 moons/Natural Time
Mystic Cosmic 13 – coupled with the RED SERPENT – kundalini rising energy makes for an ULTRA COSMICally🍥 EXPANSIVE day!! 💥
🍥☁🚶 🍥☁🚶 🍥☁🚶
Day 13 is the FINAL day in the RED SKYWALKER 🚶WAVESPELL of AWAKENING, exploration and EXPANSION and we are going out with a BANG! 💥
If you have not AWAKENED, evolved or EXPANDED during this wavespell, then today will be a POWER PACKED day for you. Hang onto your HATS cos BEN is giving us a great blastoff – handing the baton to his best buddy CIMI the WHITE WORLDBRIDGER🌉 tomorrow to cross the rainbow 🌈bridge to our New wonderful World. 🌎 ✨HALLELUJAH!!.✨
COSMIC🍥 is the last and final tone of creation. The highest octave. Tone 13 in the SPIRITUAL realm. 13 is the mystical number of the Cosmic order, the Goddess and synchronic Natural time. We have arrived – ADSUM I AM HERE!. This is the stage of having transcended the physical, emotional and mental realms and arriving at COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS.
COSMIC ACTION – transcends POWER – endures ESSENCE – presence. Today we are TRANSCENDING our old SURVIVAL responses and raising our Kundalini to the MAX,🎆 to experience total COSMIC EXPANSION🍥🎆 through our pure PRESENCE. Floating endlessly as COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS throughout space/time! 🎆😍💞 Pure Ecstatic BLISS 💞
Today’s question is “Am I releasing all blocks, and purifying my physical vessel, to allow my LIFE FORCE to rise up, fuelling my SOUL EXPANSION, in order to experience COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS?”🍥🎇
🍥☁🚶 🍥☁🚶 🍥☁
We NOW bid adieu to BEN our RED 🚶SKYWALKER, the ANGELIC MESSENGER and GALACTIC explorer, and thank him 🙏 for the incredibly EXPANSIVE and WILD ride he took us on throughout the COSMOS. 🍥🎇
We have EXPANDED our awareness and our LIGHTBODIES, as we stretched our GOLDEN WINGS to explore our galactic neighbourhood..
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell, with CIMI – the White Worldbridger 🌈🌉 as our learned guide and gatekeeper – leading us over the Rainbow bridge to the New world.🌈🌏
And so our journey through the DREAMSPELL continues…….
Divine blessings for the elevation of your pure LIFE FORCE🎇 and PASSION🔥 to fuel your Divine Mission. 🎆
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌈🌏
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED COSMIC SERPENT -CHICCHAN 🍥🐍 KIN 65 is the POWERFUL culmination of the RED SKYWALKER wavespell, pushing us towards total soul EXPANSION, through the release of our stored kundalini POWER! 🔥 Our LIFE FORCE stored within our base chakra.🎆 The electromagnetic storehouse of energy that rises up through each chakra in our sushumna column.
This EXPLOSION💥 of energy ignites🔥 our spiritual AWAKENING🎇 and our higher wisdom can then be reconnected and anchored in our physical vessels. We become conduits for the DIVINE to flow through us connected through our PRECIOUS HEARTS.
CHICCHAN raises your kundalini and life force🔥 so that you have more energy to get things done. Your desires, dreams and PASSION are evoked. Rather than re-acting through your survival instinct, your energy rises up to your higher mind, and becomes fuel for a higher driven purpose. You can channel this life force energy into your ACTIONS. YOU are in control.
❓❓How will you utilize this life force 🎇 energy to fuel your passionate creations?.
NOTE: With these powerful codes many souls on Planet Earth, may experience a KUNDALINI AWAKENING today! 💥🔥🎇
Our Collective Consciousness has risen too, on the Planetary barometer! 🌍💥🎇
We have transcended our reptilian brain reflex and now Planetary Mind is operating from a NEW PROGRAM via the Quantum Divine Love💕 SUPERCOMPUTER – through DIVINE ORDINANCE..
Humanity has evolved to COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS!🍥🎇🍥🎇🍥🎇🍥
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED COSMIC MOON 🍥👸 MULUC is the higher guide bringing forth the beautiful compassionate and sensitive GODDESS energies today..This DOUBLES are GODDESS energies as we are currently in the GALACTIC DREAMSPELL YEAR of the SELF-EXISTING MOON… A year in which we are DEFINING and FORMING a more empathic and sensitive world.
The COSMIC Goddess of purification, flow and Universal waters, unites with CHICCHAN to release any stagnation and blocks in your sushumna column, to allow for the pure FLOW of life force throughout your body.
MULUC connects you powerfully to the GODDESS through your intuition, and your feeling body, so that you can experience this ecstatic BLISS 💓through connecting with your feminine side.
The emotional body binds with the Spiritual body, which is the pathway to anchor and activate the Rainbow Bliss 🌈💓 body in our energetic body.
The physical body bridges with the mental body, which is why generally the masculine logical aspect is more difficult to evolve spiritually.
The easier path to elevating our cell-ves to higher consciousness is through FEELING E-motions and energy through our bodies, particularly Compassion, Empathy, Gratitude and humility – all higher traits of an Ascended being.
Release, LET GO and LET the energy FLOW… float on the streams of pure Cosmic Consciousness as you dance with the Cosmic Goddess. 💃🍥💃🍥💃🍥
SUPPORT: WHITE COSMIC WIZARD🍥 🔮– IX allows RED SERPENT to be receptive, by tuning into our bodies through our Heart💓 to tap the wisdom therein, thus taming the primal beast!
The WHITE COSMIC WIZARD has access to all the Majik in the COSMOS!! 💫💫💫
COSMIC IX provides the means for receiving heightened frequencies into our physical form, that rearranges us into a balanced state. The Serpent can then utilize the majik of IX, combining with the raw passion, drive and lifeforce, to dedicate this energy to seeking equality and a higher collective purpose.
The key to access all this raw Creative energy is through our PURE HEART💖.. put your logical MIND aside and FEEL into the presence of stillness, through your Cosmic Heart – connecting to the HEART of all creation. 💞
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER:YELLOW MAGNETIC WARRIOR🌈🏹 CIB the fearless YELLOW WARRIOR assists us in evolving our reptilian brains, out of survival mode, and learning to respond from our HIGHER MIND. Operating through our survival instincts keeps us separated, as we are in the flight or FIGHT mode.
The Magnetic Warrior does not FLEE, but seeks to UNITE through creating a SAFE SPACE where his kin can relax and begin to EXPAND through creative pursuits.
CIB questions the status quo, seeking EQUALITY and fairness for all who follow in his QUEST. CIB defends his ideal world view, and rejects the Scare-city collective narrative we have been responding to, encouraging us to TRUST in the Divine Plan for each of us and for our planet.
When we abandon all FEAR and integrate fearlessness, we begin to ✨TRUST THAT ALL IS WELL. ✨Then we can once again feel safe, secure and protected at all times, being FREE to live passionately. In this stage we can relax and flow into pure consciousness.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE COSMIC EAGLE 👁 MEN challenges you to SEE the greater VISION, of where your body/life is out of balance, and how to align with greater consciousness.
❓❓Where are you still responding through FEAR?
Focus on the OUTCOME and not HOW you will get there! Leave the details to GOD/GODDESS.
Have FAITH and ✨TRUST in the DIVINE PLAN! ✨
The Cosmic Eagle is all SEEING and all KNOWING, so he can unveil all solutions needed for our R-evolution.🍥🎇
Focus on your PASSION💋 and your desires, and take steps each day in that direction. When we can SEE the big picture, we can let go and heal anything that is not in alignment with our Divine plan. BLUE EAGLE assists us in anchoring this VISION, which motivates us and fuels our passion in fully realizing this outcome, creating a better future for ourselves and our planet.
Today’s question is “Am I releasing all blocks, and purifying my physical vessel, to allow my LIFE FORCE to rise up, fuelling my SOUL EXPANSION, in order to experience COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS?”🍥🎇
🍥☁🚶 🍥☁🚶 🍥☁🚶
We NOW bid adieu to BEN our RED 🚶SKYWALKER, the ANGELIC MESSENGER and GALACTIC explorer, and thank him 🙏 for the incredibly EXPANSIVE and WILD ride he took us on throughout the COSMOS. 🍥🎇
We have EXPANDED our awareness and our LIGHTBODIES, as we stretched our GOLDEN WINGS to explore our galactic neighbourhood..
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell, with CIMI – the White Worldbridger 🌈🌉 as our learned guide and gatekeeper – leading us over the Rainbow bridge to the New world.🌈🌏
And so our journey through the DREAMSPELL continues…….
Divine blessings for the elevation of your pure LIFE FORCE🎇 and PASSION🔥 to fuel your Divine Mission. 🎆
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌈🌏




🔥 Shamanic Negative Implant Removal Ceremony 🔥


Implant Removal Shaman Ceremony ~ Cutting all Cords, Attachments and all False Soul Contracts ~ Freedom from all Negative Programs and Entities

 CLICK HERE to sign up for ceremony






MASTER SAINT GERMAIN, act upon our vehicles with the Violet Flame! Charge us with the power of Violet Fire (3X)
Step up 7th ray activities. Transmuting the disqualified energies still existing, anchoring forgiveness, Wise Consciousness, and freedom on Planet Earth, into the new Golden Age.
I am a violet flame (3X)
I am the purity God desires (3X)
I am the force, I am the courage
I am the power to progress through every experience necessary.
Whenever & I stay happy,elevated &
Full of peace. Serene (a) I surrender myself to the perfect action of the divine law, and to the righteousness of my being, ordering that in my personal world and to Planet Earth, manifest the divine order that is already the VICTORY prophesied for eons, over the unqualified spiritual powers that bring disorder to the Planet. The Order of the Harmonious, Wise and Blessed Ones Manifest today and forever, within Divine Justice!
AMEN! 🙏💜

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