9-9 GATEWAY PORTAL ~ New Timeline Activating! * ELEMENTALS OF LIGHT ~ Human Angel ~ Purification Energy
Paul White Gold Eagle
Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand
Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Galactic Star Blissed Light Warriors of Gaia Galactica
Happy 9:9 Gateway Portal Activation!
We have massive waves of Higher Energetics flowing into this realm from the most High Source Creator through today’s powerful Portal.
The 9:9 Codes of Divine Union are pulsing in directly from the Great Central Sun through our Star Seed Earth Angelics and deep into the Crystalline Core of Pachamama.
Our local Soularis sends Gaia and all her Children of the Sun Gamma Mother Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light releasing 6 M Mlass Soular Flares in the past 24 hours with the most powerful maxing at M 3.47 at 17:08 UTC.
We also witnessed two higher pulses of resonance in Mother Earth’s heartbeat on the Schumann Charts today at amplitudes of 18 hz and 36 hz, fifth dimensional energies fully anchored in.
In Sacred Synchronicity with today’s 99 Portal we had a powerful Galactic Activation Portal day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Kin 64 Yellow Crystal Seed, as the Star Seeded Crystalline Codes of the Gold Buddha Nature Blossoms in the Glorious Light of the Great Mystery and activates within the 12 Strand Etheric Crystal DNA of our Earth Angels of 144.
Our Ground Crew Team are being activated and elevated in Christed Consciousness to prepare for the coming Full Harvest Supermoon and Lunar Eclipse on September 17th in the Water sign of Pisces the Fish.
For the next 8 days we will be inundated with multidimensional flashes of Quantum White Light as we are enveloped in the Dragon Energies for our Great Shift and Transformation of Eternal Bliss Consciousness…A’Ho!
TODAY’S ORACLE. Completion energy. Self mastery allowing to move forward, to move on, to renew, as a lesson is now complete. New chapters opening with new goals, new energy in relationships, new feelings of purpose. Newness may become tangible and “real” in several areas. Flow into newness with openess and curiosity. Nothing is random at this time. Some paths stop, some paths begin. All is unfolding as it should.
9th September : 9/9 Portal : Human Angel and Human Master
As we transit the 9/9 Portal we are being asked to step powerfully into our Mastery.
At the moment the energy is very difficult.
People are exhausted and are facing a “crunch” with money and relationship issues.
For me, it is like when a Tsunami approaches and the sea level drops and all the skeleton sunken ships are exposed. We are facing the deep “shipwrecks” in our collective consciousness. But soon there will be a huge wave of transforming energy that will create space for the new.
Our work right now is to Stay in Peace and in the Pure Heart so that we can be the Light to the World.
We are called to demonstrate Love and Mastery and to keep our Hearts Pure and filled with Love for the Earth and for Humanity.
We stand on the cusp of something profound and much bigger than us.
We can only go with the flow and trust that we will be held and taken to the other shore.
By cleansing completely yourself internally of all the lingering dross, you are aligning yourself 100% with your Source, DIVINE LOVE WITHIN.
This protects you completely from the external forces of the simulator, the illusory outer world that we all created. Yes, we are all responsible and we are ALL THE SOLUTION. Yes, it is over, finally we are reaching the point of no return and becoming once more FULL AMBASSADORS OF THE DIVINE.
Take your rightful places dear Soul Family, for what happens next is truly awesome! Get the very last bits of homework/inner shadow work done. Full Graduation is on the horizon and it is truly magnificent. It will arrive unnnanounced and everything will change. Detach from all. Be cleansed, purified and ready NOW! Moving NOW from the unreal to the REAL. FEEL it and KNOW YOU ARE.
Please spread the good news to all.
With deepest blessings, love and respect. I thank you ALL for being with me on this wondrous journey home.
9/9/24: The next three days are a highway to higher consciousness. They hold within them the chance to recreate yourself if you want. And even if that’s not your conscious intention, you will likely find yourself changing in your thoughts, desires, and behaviors. Today is power-packed to help dislodge you from any aspects of yourself and your life that are habitual and limiting carryovers from the past.
Those who have been working with intent and manifestation energies will see their efforts paying off in peace, fulfillment, and satisfaction. Those who struggle with change could experience an unexplained sense of loss, anxiety, or discomfort. These are potent forces that will shift our trajectory. Flow with them with open mind and heart.
Great one,
In a breathtaking display of cosmic forces, a filament of magnetism burst forth from our Sun yesterday, launching a swirling cloud of cool, dark plasma directly toward Earth. Galactic currents indicate its arrival late on Sept. 10th.
Brace yourselves, starseeds! This cosmic visitor will ignite strong geomagnetic storms, triggering potent DNA activations across the planet!
Meanwhile, on the far side of the Sun, an explosive cosmic event has unleashed a storm of protons, showering Earth with powerful solar radiation. We’re now in the midst of an S1-class solar storm as this magnificent CME hurls through space. Stay tuned, as the energies of the cosmos continue to shift and surge around us!
Global ascension symptom reports are elevated today as starseeds integrate this massive influx of light into their cells!
The Pleiadians teach that during strong light influxes like this, it is crucial to:
Consume natural energy foods
Take a sea salt bath
Keep crystals around your auric field for energy stabilization
Practice meditation
Engage in breathwork
Connect with nature for grounding
Get plenty of rest and sleep
It is truly an exciting time to be alive on planet Earth as we witness the magnificent awakening of humanity! A new world filled with goodness for all is being formed as we speak!
Feel free to share any ascension symptoms you may be experiencing!
God-speed, Michael and the Pleiadians
Divine Energy Works
9-9 GATEWAY PORTAL~ This High Vibrational Gateway of September 2024 is carrying super-powerful Galactic Energies, encoded with the Crystalline Light Codes of Higher Ascension, and opening the Autumn/Spring Equinox Stargate 2024.
The 9/9 Gateway 2024 is closely aligned with the Eclipse Portal, closing out the old timelines and opening a brand new energetic cycle of higher consciousness and awakened soul gifts. With the Ascension Synchronicity Energetic Encoding 99 and 999, this Gateway carries the vibration of completion, closures, and endings of the energetic cycles, as we step into soulful new beginnings.
This portal will stay open for 9 days, until September 18th, guiding us through the Lunar Eclipse on September 17th and leading to the Equinox, creating a powerful triple portal of energies.
Extremely high incoming Galactic Frequencies are facilitating Light Body, Kundalini, and DNA activations and upgrades through this triple portal. This year’s energies are closely connected to support a brand new cycle and divine alignment with the Sacred Divine Unions and Divine Missions.
Master Lady Kira Raa
9 9 ARRIVAL of the Mystic Warrior
The Mystical Warrior Rises as the Benevolent Masculine & Divine Feminine begin the DANCE
Do you feel it?
Happy Endings Begin NOW. The Double 9 influence of this moment has called forward the Spiritual as it must gaze at IT-self!
This mirrored self in the 9.9 is the TRAMPOLINE that invites you to SOAR! The anchoring moment of the opening through the Saturn opposition is asking with a smile:
With each moment we are closer to the September Equinox expansion. Beginning on September 20 and building through the 22nd the “vortex” of those specific days will be the Quantum reflection of the moments happening now.
Mercury will finally relax us ALL out of the retrograde on Thursday the 12th. This is when the experience of time will begin to feel as if it is no longer relevant. This is a valulable KNOWING. To be Consiously Aware of the illusion of time as the pre and post Equinox world come closer together.
To go beyond the fields of fear, hesitancy and doubt.
To say YES..Through the gift of Conscious Awareness and the blessing of your Happy Ending, unfolding before you…right now.
Once mercury releases on the 12, we will enter the 10 day cycle of momentum that is calling forward a spin unlike any other has ever been..or will be…YOU ARE READY!
9/9 portal and the coming of the Fire breath of God purification energy
Love and blessings to all my brother and sister lightworkers/starseeds I hope you are all well and are not finding these upgrades to be too difficult right now. At this time humanity is at its highest point of ascension and human evolution. So much of the old ego self has been removed and broken down that it can leave people feeling lost and somewhat like they don’t recognise themselves. This is due to the incredibly powerful energy shifts that have come in overtime, over the last number of years.
However the energy is just about to go to highest point yet bringing in the fire breath energy of God to burn away what is left on this planet to get the conscious level of evolution back into alignment as right now the trajectory is off. The pure Christ consciousness energy (fire breath of God) burns away everything that it comes into contact with. This energy is being brought to humanity by Mother Father God, The Lemurians, Atlanteans, Egyptian Gods, Arcturians and many others.
9/9 Portal: gateway to higher spiritual consciousness
This powerful purifying energy is coming in on the 9/9 as this is the ending of a powerful cycle.
We are transitioning out of the old paradigm, old frameworks, structures, hierarchy, patriarchal paradigm, 3d consciousness, ego mind and outer ego. The crystalline grid of higher light consciousness is very much anchored and working to create the shifts and transitions needed for humanity. 9/9 also symbolises humanitarianism, oneness through love (especially now), community consciousness. Why this is important now is that the new world paradigm of the 4th and 5th dimensional has really split away from the 3d world and so we can live in which ever world we resonate with. This Fire breath of God energy is to help humanity and those who are ready to make there transition so it makes it much easier to live in the new world and heal and let go of the attachments, patterns, blockages and issues from the past keeping us stuck there.
And anything else stopping you being able to connect more freely with your higherself, monad, God and higher pathway. This last part of the year is to prepare each of us for a very special 2025 which for many will be more about getting to know your higherself, monad and God and higher pathway, over the extreme healings shifts. The Fire Breath of God is a gift for humanity that will cause the most amazing healing shifts and transformations. It may create a strong purging and clearing, but will really enable you to move beyond the old lower dimensional aspects of the self and move beyond your current limitations and truly know yourself and truly why you are here. Most peoples idea about why they are here is based around the minds interpretation of this, but this normally very different to your higher divine pathway.
The Fire Breath of God is a very pure form of the pure Christ consciousness energy, which comes from the pure light of Gods heart. Love at it higher frequency is Gold. It is what is in each us at the very core as we are created from Gods love. Our natural state is that of being the pure love of God heart. Each of us are connecting with the Golden Age like that of Atlantis, it the early stages, but it is very much anchored here on Earth.
What is the Golden Age?
It is the coming of the awakening within each of of our Christed self, our Golden Divine I Am Presence. This is the part of us that was created at our divine birth and so connects each of back to divine spark, when we were created at a time of our divine birth. This is special for this is the energy that connects us back to own divine nature, our divine blueprint. One that is very different to the one that we have come to know as humans, that has been created through our experiences here on Earth from our incarnated birth and from other life times. It is one that allows us to truly transcend the lower energies, lower self, experiences. The experiences that keep us on the hamster wheel we call life drama. That leads to us reliving the lower energy drama cycles, that keep us on what seems like a never ending revisiting of our past experiences and the ego mind and the patterns that where created.
source: interdimensionalhealing.co.uk
purification energy
~Melissa Lyran
Brilliant light codes are raining down directly into the 3rd eye. It looks like a hyperspace-elven Holy language that transcends all logical understanding. Words truly can’t describe it. Go out in the sun during this 9/9 portal and today to receive a large quantity of these codes. These codes are magnificent: gold, white, and pulsing with life. It’s the fabric of the universe. It’s the PURE GOLD that the true creative power uses to create with. Go out and be in the sun. Your eyes will begin to see the codes through your third eye. Magenta, golden, rainbow sun confirmation.
The energy that rippled through last night was MASSIVE. starseeds are being asked to HOLD THE LIGHT / LINE at this time like never before. Our energy body is being expanded at a rapid rate. The awakening ascending souls are on overdrive. The process is quickening beyond what we all even expected.
We are reaching a very critical point in our awakening journey at this time. The energy is possibly the highest is ever been. Solar activity is continuing to increase every day. Please take care today to make sure you are giving yourself EXTRA ATTENTION.
Don’t slack. Love yourself today and always. We are destined for GREATNESS LIGHT FAMILY. We are guided and protected by the most beautiful loving POWER.
In the beginning, everything really matters. And that’s now. Your energy is the most precious power because it’s always with the One. The more the power increases the more we’ll have a chance to activate this energy Use the tools available to ground, hydrate, eat clean, exercise, and try to BREATHE.
No one can prevent this process. It’s your birthright. Do not allow the seeds of doubt to be planted. Root them out with a sword of truth. NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT THE CREATOR HAS PROMISED. FEAR NOT. We did not come this far to stop now.
Dear friends, for many of us this first week of September has been intense, as we kept processing and integrating all the inner shifts that were triggered by the empowering light codes of August. Our Sun has also been sending us a few moderate flares this week, pushing deeper into our energy fields and stirring old stagnant blockages that need to be dealt with before this upcoming Equinox and eclipse season.
On top of this, we are already being bathed by the energies of the 9:9 energy portal. The lightcodes associated with this numerical resonance will also help us find some final closure to old life chapters. The enigmatic number 9 weaves a tapestry of symbolism across the realms of spirituality and philosophy, whispering secrets of completion, enlightenment, and unity. Are you finally ready to let go of those limiting and self sabotaging beliefs, or are you still allowing issues in your life become bigger than they really are? When we learn to let go of the worry, despair, and sense of hopelessness, a positive and more integrative new way or path will be shown to us.
Most likely, you already know deep inside the issues that still need closure, so expect this week to give you some clarity and the strength to say “that’s it, this aspect of my life is over”. Honor yourself as you finish up, or celebrate, the completion of these life chapters. This week prior to the first eclispe would be the perfect time to look ahead and use the wisdom you’ve gained so far to think about what else you want to achieve as we move into the Equinox energies on September 22.
Our mind and body may be tired from all the inner work of the last few weeks, but these “uncomfortable” shifts are necessary in preparation for this incoming phase. The enlightenment you’ve gained so far will be an invaluable resource as the year moves on. You may also notice that you want to experiment with different things in your life at this time, allow yourself to explore and expand your consciousness. All of these experiences will feed your spirit and offer you knowledge for your future timeline.
Some physical symptoms may still be present this week, as the 9:9 lightcodes keep stirring these old limiting energetic structures from our fields and DNA. Fatigue and lethargy, mild headaches, sleep disturbances, muscle tension/joint pain, and skin issues may be present at this time. Try to listen to your body, rest as much as needed, and stay well hydrated.
As we step through this 9:9 portal and connect our awareness to this numeric resonance, we are enveloped in an energy field that ignites our inner spark, fueling spiritual growth, and awakening. This powerful energy will be a wonderful assistance, guiding us into the process of liberation from the shackles of outdated patterns and limitations, and allowing us to break free from the constraints that have held us back for so long.
Have a wonderful week, and a productive 9:9 gateway. Stay tuned for more energy updates as we approach the second eclipse corridor of the year. Much love
As we are moving into 5D we are not just following or invoking Natural Law, we are becoming Natural Law.
This is how Natural Law actually works.
Becoming the Natural Law is a very different state of being.
In order for this to take place One needs to have the truthful intention to be an adult, have substance, know the Self, be accountable for everything that concerns the Self and its experiences and be able to truly be present in his/her Life.
All relationships and creations are included.
This is why Self Awareness is the main goal and why therapy is needed as it holds the human code and the tools to understand the way it functions.
As we have mentioned before spiritual practices or the different intuitive abilities and traits are not enough because if there is pending trauma and delusional projections, these practices can keep One above Self Awareness and prolong the avoidance and resistance that many inner aspects want.
The holographic reality via its synchronicities can actually feed this distortion and make One believe that he/she is awake because it has the ability to mirror back what one believes and continue feeding the inner story even if it this story is distorted.
Humanity has been suffering from insanity.
It takes true and honest dedication to the inner work and therapy in order for One to master the inner emotional and mental traps, enlighten the subconscious world, cultivate sanity, heal the initial trauma from falling and attain Self Awareness.
This is the next step that we are collectively taking collectively.
The message says that for those ready and integrated enough it is time for this flip or jump that will switch greatly their awareness and health into a new higher state.
For those who are still avoiding therapy and honest self growth, this will be a time of deep transformational change like the process of a samanic death but also a time of upheaval tests for those still deep in oblivion as they are being pushed to move from illusion and distortion into alignment to the actual inner work and self responsibility in order to create a new and truthful relationship with the Self.
“Get to truly know yourself without avoidance towards any of its parts and you will get to know the universe and interact with it in a new and conscious way!
Your priorities will change as you do this and you will see Life under a new scope, the one of the co-creator which holds a different kind of responsibility towards the Self and all creation!
Find your true position and your journey will begin straight away.
Joy is the main key element of this new state and relationship to the Self.
The Self is the Universe.
All senses are now redirecting towards this destination/realisation!
Enjoy your journey to the free and sacred Waters of True Life!
If you are not who you think you are.
then who are you?”
How are you doing with the liberation from the mind demons which started for the collective back in July?
The masculine both in men and women has been under a purification and liberation mode.
For many this is taking place unconsciously via bodily or health challenges which are sometimes very painful or uncomfortable.
Often because of the lack of inner connection and a safe healing space, the subconscious like a computer, enters all facts, elements and information and comes to the best result that can bring the liberation forth.
This result is an unconscious way to perform the liberation needed with less pain and discomfort possible but often the inner distortion, avoidance and pending karma are so great that both pain and discomfort cannot be avoided.
For many this process could also involve unexpected money expenses as money is one of the easiest ways to rebalance something and take accountability for it.
All the above can easily be avoided if One becomes a co-creator with the new flow of energy via conscious inner work while embracing the whole of the Self without changing or excluding parts of it just because they feel uncomfortable or low vibrational.
All parts of the Self are sacred and this will be more understood as we are now entering the sacred waters of Life!
It is useful to know that there is another intensified period of liberation from the mind demons coming up soon.
Please note that the areas of the sexual organs and the intestines could be related to this and also be included in the process of liberation from the mind demons.
The more the mind demons are being removed, the more One can come closer to the true Self!
If you are not who you think you are, then who are you?
Upon this Equinox we are opening the 999 portal of Equilibriums which is basically the way to the Galactic Portal!
Blessings of Truth!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there https://www.instagram.com/crystal_indigo144000
9th September In numerology, symbolises completion of cycles. As the old energy sheds, the new energy prepares to enter. We are being called to go beyond the thinking mind, ascend in wisdom and align with the highest level of consciousness. Making it a time to let go of the outdated cycles and harness the power of the Universe.
The Ascending are continuing to release more residual energies as we make way for this weeks 9/9 and 9/11 portals. We can expect some twists and turns in this next week energetically speaking , many have received extremely positive astrological alignments this year and are now stepping into some fresh new ascension energies. The next several weeks will take the ascending much higher within these new earth Ascending planetary energies.
This is going to bring the Planet some much needed balance and alignment. This will also activate positive energies into our connections and relationships. Many ascending souls are hard at work with their inner healing and clearing remaining blockages.
This entire journey is meant to take us all deeper and into a higher alignment. Once we have mastered that within self we will come together with vibrationally aligned others We are seeing a new paradigm of Love emerging within . The focus in this month is on healing and expanding the heart chakra, many are looking within and manifesting their vibrationally aligned others .
It is the perfect time to be working on bringing more love into existence.This next weeks energy is reminding us that major change is coming into the rest of 2024 .This is also showing us the effects of the cosmic planetary energies.
During the next year many will continue to leave where they are rather then integrate into the older self experience. This is why we are being reminded that this lifetime ascension is a major aspect and not something we do in every incarnation.
It’s never been more important for us to be putting in the dedicated work in self . We will release all of the old and outdated internal conditioned programming . karmic energies are continuing to clear during this time. We are also in a significant planetary Uranus Retrograde Portal. This will ignite self empowerment .
With the ascension energies building higher daily, it’s helpful to remember our true identity. Our thoughts, words, and feelings shape our reality, we are remaining mindful of where we direct our attention and energy. Many things in the outer world can distract our attention, remembering not all are aligned with our higher ascension timelines .
Trusting our inner guidance and using our heartspace to discern what resonates with the light. Now is the time to go deeper within to tap into our own wisdom, as all answers we seek on the path are within.
The 9-9 portal power signifies a transformative period in life, with potential changes in purpose, soul energy, and possible changes in environments. These changes will be physical, as well as metaphysical . As the remnants of old energy dissipates a new wave of vitality will be replaced .
Ascension encourages us to transcend the limitations of the mind, embracing profound wisdom and harmonising with the higher levels of consciousness. Releasing the obsolete cycles that bind and tapping into the boundless power of the Universal intelligence . Important shifts are occurring within the electromagnetic energy of our ascending planet. Re-aligning, re-configuring and activating new planetary shifts that will be seen and felt in new earth physical life.
The person we were a month ago is now a distant memory, as we all undergo a rapid metamorphosis. Overnight, miraculous transformations are occurring with ascending individuals embracing higher levels of awareness and unleashing their inner strength and personal power .
Boundaries and illusions are shattered as the ascending continue to transcend their limitations, actively or unknowingly contributing to the collective shift. This is an extraordinary time unlike any other, where healing is not only received but also given, as individuals who once needed healing now become healers themselves. We have all ascended to a new level of multidimensional existence.
Numbers 9-9 are comprised of the vibrations of number 9 appearing doubled This is amplifying and magnifying its powerful influences. Number 9 resonates with the Universal Spiritual Laws, a higher perspective, influence, benevolence and altruism, non-conformity, leading life as a positive example for others, influenced by a higher perspective and expansive viewpoint, duty and calling, strength of character, philanthropy, humanitarianism and Light work service . Number 9 also signifies endings and conclusions.
Number sequence 9:9 brings in a strong message that certain aspects of life are coming to a close and/or an important phase or cycle is ending. Trust that this is happening for karmic clearing and healing reasons which will become evident in the very near future. It is clearing the way for you to fully pursue your life purpose and soul purpose in accordance with your soul’s destiny .
Ascending souls all the information, guidance and assistance you will need upon your path will be supplied by the higher ascension and Universal Energies. Number sequence 9-9 is a strong message to fully devote self to our life’s purpose without further distractions and delays.
this 9-9 powerful numerical gateway is a portal activation and strong catalyst ,preparing us to begin an ascended new life that will soon fall into place in a natural and divine order and in the most effective and positive ways.
9-9 is also a sign that lightworkers are stepping up to their light service duties and working consciously for the benefit of humanity and the world as a whole. This Number sequence 9-9 encourages us to express our unique, true self as we weave love into every aspect of life and base ascending life on the principles of acceptance, integrity, compassion and co-operation. Realigning with our heart and soul , discovering our true nature and soul purpose.
Truths are coming forward from many different directions, from many different light sources. Starseeds, all of us are activating and spreading this light, bringing the truth forward, bringing down the old paradigm of the third-dimensional Lies and illusions.
The Ascension vibrations continue to increase on the planet, the old vibrations of the third dimension over time will eventually cease to exist. This is what is occurring in many now, the global 2-3D game on this planet is coming to an end.
The ascending have powerful energies within and they are to be used for the highest good and to improve life on ascending earth , Listening closely to the inner-yearnings and intuition , following through with insights , clarity and ideals. Trusting that we will be able to find a comfortable balance between the material world and cosmic realms .
Number 9:9 relates to Higher learning , Endings Humanitarian purposes . Clearing out unwanted beliefs. 9-9 brings in a New cycle of cosmic energy, and serves as a crossing point. 9 is the completion of the numerical number sequence and embodies all of the numbers combined , it serves as a significant gateway into higher dimensions .
with Love and Devotion for the Ascending Collective , by Ascension LightWorkers
Ebbing and Flowing Across The Multidimensional Light Streams, Transversing The Unlimitations Of Now
For the Hu-man Experience In The Physical Density Is Receiving A Mass Pouring Of Light
A Quantum Expansion, Expanding The Unlimited Capacity Of Now
For The Elementals Are An Endless Light Stream Initiated In The Multidimensional Layers Of Your World.
We Are Now Initiated Within The Quantum Light Source Reaching The Greatest Depths Of Insights For Humanity.
For Light Is A Term To Describe The Multidimensional Makeup of Your World. It is The Fabric Of Light Synthesis Reaching Every Being To Expand And Grow Between And Within The Physical Density Of Your Reality.
Multidimensional Light Expression Is A New Codex Of Light Now Reaching Your World
It Is Within All Of US As We Choose To Amplify And Explore This Light
Awaken To The Cosmic Expression of Now.
Connect To US In The Light Streams
See US AS Unconditionl Healing Rays Of Light
Together, We Are Co-Joining Creating And Amplifying Light
You’re so close to returning back home to the original Divine Blueprint that you are. Both Masculine and Feminine energies are balanced together and in agreement to move forward as one.
You’re being asked to release what’s happened in the past, forgive yourself and others, and soften into the flow of change.
Avoid getting entangled the stress and worry of survival, and focus on the bigger picture of your rebirth.
Have faith that your are achieving your anointing as the Second Coming of Christ. The momentum is building. It’s your time Beloved!
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
source: 144godcode.com
Ra James
Today is a Galactic Activation Portal Day.
It’s a powerful activation day. Galactic Activation Portal Days are days on which the cosmic energy vibrates particularly high. Higher and stronger energy flows on these days which means that they often ring in change and new beginnings. On Galactic Activation Portal Days you can better trust your intuition to guide you. These energies help you to better tap into what you want and encourage you to make important decisions. Listen to your gut feelings on these days.
Today is a day for manifestation. It’s a great day for visualizing your desires! The next few days are amazing for setting and sending your intentions out into the Universe. We are also in the energies of the 9:9 Portal. The 9:9 Portal is a powerful Ascension Gateway. Expect big shifts, miracles and abundance to come through. The 9:9 Portal brings powerful energies of destiny, completion, and of karmic endings. The energies of the 9:9 Portal are so special for any Twin Flames. The upgrades are helping you to reunite with them. Whether you never met them, or you’re trying to shift out of a separation.
There is a lot of beautiful Reunion and Union energy in the air. The 9:9 Portal brings powerful energies all about manifesting your desires, taking charge of your life and following your unique path. It’s time to let go of what’s holding you back. We are healing and clearing a lot of deep blocks right now. Expect a lot of high frequency energies and energetic upgrades…
On Monday, September 9th, the Moon, ruler of our emotions, shifts from the shadows of Scorpio to the optimistic light of Sagittarius at 1:26pm EDT. Scorpio rules obsession, compulsion, intensity, passion and our subconscious. Sagittarius rules freedom, adventure, quests, higher learning and seeking the truth. While still in Scorpio, Luna connects with Uranus, the Awakener, Neptune, the Transcender, and Pluto, the Transformer. We can move through a lot of inner healing within our psyche with this combination.
Once the Moon moves into Sagittarius, she will challenge Mercury, the Messenger, and Mars, the Warrior. Even though she shifts into jovial Sagittarius, she still has some work to do to get her bearings regarding her thoughts, perceptions, actions and movement forward. With a “glass half full” attitude, she should be victorious!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: sacredsoulempowerment.com
the Moon, ruler of our emotions, shifts from the shadows of Scorpio
Mercury in Leo quincunx Pluto in Capricorn. Mercury enters Virgo and square Pallas in Sagittarius – We may awaken with thoughts twisting down a dark tunnel, a thousand ‘what ifs?’ vying for attention. Supercharged creative energy is available if we allow old structures to fall. But maybe we don’t need to go to extremes – it isn’t all or nothing. It’s about how we think. Change your thoughts, change your reality. It sounds simple, trite and yet the truth is there, calmly waiting for recognition.
And as Mercury slips into Virgo, we come back to where we started in late July, only now conscious that a change of strategy is needed to resolve old problems. Put your mind to work. Analyse circumstances with a critical eye – but not a critical heart. Check the source of your beliefs for skewed judgements. Look for faults and errors in thinking without castigation. Notice how small details tweak understanding. Marvel at how the microcosm is a reflection of the macrocosm.
‘Crystal’ is the name for the number twelve and its keywords are ‘Cooperate, Dedication and Universalize.’ Crystal days are great for getting together in groups, finding your people and working in teams. This teaches us that we do not have to struggle alone on our journey, that others are facing the same challenges. By supporting one another and sharing our experiences, we can then progress down our path a little easier.
Today is Yellow Seed, keywords associated with it are ‘Awareness, Targeting and Flowering’. These days are great for sharing knowledge and sowing awareness. As it is a ‘Crystal’ day, it is a perfect combination of number and day for facilitating the sharing of wisdom. Why not get together with others and exchange information? You could teach each other skills you have acquired or share teachings you have found helpful. Engage in lively debate or watch a good documentary with friends. The Yellow Seed also teaches us that we do indeed ‘reap what we have sewn’. Expect to see things come to fruition today that you previously planted. Also, it’s a good day to sow seeds of ideas that in the future you can harvest.
Today’s Guide is Yellow Warrior, so allow the energies of the Warrior to help guide you through the day. The Warrior asks a lot of questions and represents ‘intelligence’. Make it your quest today to gather information and learn as much as you can. This can make us feel more determined because the Warrior gives us a kick up the arse.
The Challenge of the day is White Wizard, so if you are a Wizard, you may find it hard to gather the information you need. Your charm won’t get you very far today, your best bet is to hang out with others and listen to the wisdom they have to share.
The Occult power is the Red Earth which symbolizes ‘Evolution’. Expect magical evolution today and so any discussion on Occult issues can have a real impact. If you are going to share wisdom today, make sure it is about magic! This is a powerful position for this progressive energy!
The Ally is the Blue Eagle which sees things from a higher perspective. If you need help and support today consult an Eagle. If you are one, offer friendship today to those struggling, they could do with your vision. The Eagle today is very friendly and this means any visions he shares are helpful.
Today is a Portal day which means all the energies of the day are amplified!
KIN 64 =10 = 1 10 Manifestation/Leadership/New beginnings
BRACE yourselves Planetary kin – this is a HUGE monumental day on this 9.9. date with destiny!! Kin 64 on a G.A.P. day with a 17.17 double LEGACY code..
A phenomenal DIVINE DESTINY day – to SHIFT the trajectory of your life and our world!!
KIN 64 – the number 64 is a prevalent code in the elemental foundation of who we are. We have 64 codons in our RNA genetic code, 64 hexagrams in the mystical I Ching, founded on the 8 x 8 Bagua elements which are the Universal building blocks of creation, forming matter.
The 6 represents Heaven energy and the 4 is the structure or foundation. 64 defines our DIVINE foundation. The building block upon which we can GROW!
KIN 64 – the Yellow Crystal Seed is a very significant marker, opening a powerful DIVINE portal (GAP day) to this next stage of our Planetary evolution in SEEDING our Crystalline New beginnings.
This is UBER important, especially aligning with this 9.9. GAP portal today!
That’s one small step for MAN – one huge leap for MAN-KIND!
As we move ahead in this next phase of planetary evolution, we are now entering a more fertile period for launching and initiating new ideas, projects and plans. Stepping up as DIVINE SOVEREIGN LEADERs in partnership with HEAVEN, to align with our destiny and leave a LEGACY through our Service work.
HEAVEN’S support is freely available to all who seek to step up into their DIVINE DESTINY path.
Day 12 in the RED SKYWALKER WAVESPELL of AWAKENING, exploration and expansion.
Today we SEED the HIGHEST potential for humanity, as we UNIVERSALIZE AWAKENING and our future EXPANSION, which has been coded in our DNA. Within our Divine blueprint we can EVOLVE to our Golden Sophia/Christed HU-MAN cell-ves.
Wow – what a code! What a synchronic alignment!!!
CRYSTAL – Tone 12 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – universalizes, POWER – dedicates, ESSENCE – cooperation. Our telepathic skills and communication pathways are FULLY OPEN and conducting massive codes today.
The CRYSTAL tone 12 is the highest level of the mind (MENTAL realm) The other two MENTAL tones are tone 4 Self-existing and tone 8 Galactic.
At the CRYSTAL level of MIND we have the capacity to cooperate, or operate with other minds. Just as a crystal can be programmed, so too can we program our minds on this day.
Focus on the CRYSTAL clarity of our minds today through the power of co-operation with others. We create telepathic links in our communication grids allowing for cooperative thoughts, ideas and inspiration to flow.
The CRYSTALLINE tone seeks to CONNECT with others, through networking, co-operation, co-creating and forming new co-operative alliances. Creating common-unities will also be strongly favoured.
The CRYSTAL energy is brilliant for gaining crystal, clear, clarity and guidance for your next steps forward. Communication and networking flows. Information from Spirit and all realms flows, freely accessible by all of the new CRYSTAL beings connected to GAIA’s crystalline communication grid!
Tune your channel into GAIA/s Planetary Grid today
What is being transmitted, and what do you seek to broadcast through this network?
Many souls will be majikally AWAKENING today, through this superconductivity of Universal Awakening charge!
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW CRYSTAL SEED KAN Today the YELLOW SEED energy is BOOSTING our potential to RISE with these potent SOLAR ASCENSION codes.
A seed is a packet of genetic potential, which has the ability to GROW into a MIGHTY tree. It INHERENTLY knows how to GROW, and can work with other elements, in order to grow to its optimum potential. Everything we require to grow to our greatest potential is already INSIDE us, and has been planted there by our creator.
We are already WIRED for future success!
Today we are very focused on how we can best GROW in order to fully FLOWER. In order to bloom we must have FERTILE soil and ideal growing conditions, which include love, support, resources and companionship. When we plant our unique seed in a field of seeds, we benefit from the protection from the wind, elements and predators as there is “safety” in numbers.
The survival of a community has always been easier when individuals band together for the benefit of the whole. As the whole field blossoms the display is absolutely SPECTACULAR – which is indicative of the influence many MINDS can have as they join together to cocreate.
As a greater number of souls AWAKEN each day and seek to contribute to the greater plan for humanity, the beneficial effects for our planet will be exponential. This GREAT AWAKENING commenced in 2020, and accelerating every day, is heralding our final LIBERATION into the LIGHT.
Today is a significant SPRINGboard for humanity’s blossoming.
The CRYSTAL SEEDs are the brilliant TEACHERS, LEADERS and VISIONARIES planting the SEEDS as the WAYSHOWERS – shaping our new world.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW CRYSTAL WARRIOR CIB possesses the power of a very finely tuned MIND to FOCUS on what is needed to move forward. The WARRIOR fearlessly QUESTIONS what is, in order to evolve to something better. Coupled with the CRYSTAL tone of the mental realm, this brings us the highest INTELLIGENCE to fearlessly question, choosing something BETTER for our-cell-ves and our planet.
The courageous WARRIORS of the RAINBOW are on a Mission to SEED this new AWAKENING to the rainbow qualities of the New Earth. They are forging the new path as the Wayshowers and Sovereign leaders that they came here to be.
Both the SEED and the WARRIOR are THE most FOCUSED energies that we have in the Dreamspell, so this is a highly potentised, focused energy, pin-pointing its way to full UNIVERSAL AWAKENING.
NOTE: We are in VIRGO season – who have an EYE for details adding a TRIPLE LAYER to this razor sharp MIND FOCUS.
The YELLOW tribes are the “Ripeners” which is perfectly utilized in this QUEST. Combining this with the Crystal tone is like amplifying this LIGHT spectrum through a prism. All the rainbow colours are reflected and amplified in full glory.
The CRYSTAL SEED is FOCUSED on bringing many souls together to fearlessly QUESTION, the highest potential of our-cell-ves, to co-create the NEW TIME.
A beautiful purpose magnified through this CRYSTALLINE lens, harmonizing our relationships.
SUPPORT: BLUE CRYSTAL EAGLE – MEN perfectly supports this brilliant AWAKENING code today. The CRYSTAL EAGLE has the BEST VISION of any EAGLE!!! He can fully focus and adjust his VISION to any degree needed from the micro to the macro lens. He can also focus his CRYSTAL lens anywhere in the time/space continuum, thanks to his added SKYWALKER multidimensional powers.
The CRYSTAL EAGLE provides us with the ability to fly far ahead and ENVISION our future. Revealing the wondrous opportunities and pathways that we could ever imagine in our own MIND. Make sure you make use of this brilliant power of prophecy and forecasting today.
What VISION is your LENS focused on?
BLUE EAGLE holds the coding for PLANETARY MIND and today the collective mind has been re-tuned through the Crystalline Grid to a new OPERATING SYSTEM..
How PERFECTO on this 9.9…. 17.17.. GAP portal day – UPGRADING OUR MINDS and our DNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
The Planetary Wind 2 days ago anchored a higher frequency of DIVINE LOVE in GAIA/s meridians and Planetary DNA, through the RED EARTH support that day.
Our PLANETARY MIND is now rewired and running the DIVINE PROGRAM from the new SUPERCOMPUTER
The QUANTUM DIVINE LOVE COMPUTER is now transmitting through our CRYSTAL GRID!
Collectively as we unite our MINDS to reveal solutions, we can hold a co-creative VISION that uplifts and helps us surge forward, at an accelerated growth spurt! When creative minds merge to co-create, we can better understand and know the bigger picture of what co-creation is all about. We then have greater potential to harness that energy to accomplish that greater VISION that we are collectively manifesting.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED LUNAR EARTH CABAN in the RED SKYWALKER wavespell, enables us to REACH FOR THE STARS, whilst firmly anchored in the fertile EARTH.
However YELLOW SEEDS can often become stagnant, waterlogged, dry up or simply GIVE UP and fail to sprout, GROW, blossom, or reach their potential.
It takes focused energy and courage to take risks, observe and follow the signs, and push through any resistance that presents on our preferred path.
The LUNAR EARTH will reveal any disharmony today in finding your true FLOW, any resistance and obstruction. Lunar Earth is challenging us to go with the new FLOW – seek the easier path – go around the blockage.. If the rock is too solid, send your shoots around the obstacle..
Do not yield to the darkness and pressure.
You have all it takes within YOU, to overcome any challenges to AWAKENING to your true destiny.
In order to grow tall and strong we must go DEEP, as we ground our roots into Mother Earth. We must be receptive in our capacity to connect with and listen to Mother Earth, to be sensitive to her currents, the seasons and her cycles.
We need to anchor our consciousness into Gaia’s crystal heart. The core of her being, as we become ONE with her pulse and her heartbeat.
We must listen for the signs of synchronicity, that anchor our capacity to flow, to be aware of the synchronic order of perfect timing.
The SIGNS will reveal the best path to take, and the best souls to cocreate with, in order to manifest the highest outcome for all.
LOOK for the SIGNS.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE CRYSTAL WIZARD – IX challenges us today to cooperate with others with a highly RECEPTIVE mind. Being open and willing to receive information and frequency into the mind, from many different worlds and other minds in a non-judgemental way. Putting our egoic minds aside, aligning with the higher Planetary MIND of BLUE EAGLE and DIVINE MIND.
In this way we can access all that is available from the unconscious dreaming realms, where there are no doors or limiting energies for our minds. Instead of focusing on our own mind, we need to UNITE and co create with other MINDS.
The CRYSTAL WIZARD is indeed very powerful, having tremendous clarity and IN-SIGHT through his CRYSTAL scrying BALL and Majik Crystal Wand, adding to the amazing gifts and blessings of today’s codes.
When many Planetary EARTH Wizards UNITE as ONE,(instead of seeking self-aggrandisement), GREAT THINGS CAN HAPPEN..
OPEN your MIND today, to receive the endless data, codes and information available, to EVOLVE and AWAKEN to a MAJIKAL world. Use your majikal POWERS to unite your MIND and your HEART to CREATE an ENCHANTING life.
The CRYSTAL WIZARD is inviting us today to ‘MAKE SOME MAJIK!”
Today’s question is “How can I cocreate with like MINDED souls, in order to fearlessly SEED our HIGHEST potential, personally and collectively?”
Divine blessings for the SEEDING of grand new potentials for our-cell-ves and our planet.
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of September 8th – September 14th. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a powerful Guided Meditation for the Ascension Column of Creation.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Good morning! We start this week with the Powerful Energy Portal 9.9, which happens when the number 9 represents the culmination and closure of a Learning Cycle.
It’s about clarifying, letting go and moving forward to our Objectives which forces us to say goodbye to a past version of ourselves.
In numerology this number represents closings, endings and invites us to reflect on what has been, let go and prepare for a New Beginning.
Astrologically, we have been under Powerful influences that lead us to close old wounds and karmic cycles.
The energies of this Portal 9.9 invites you to:
* Transformation and Growth. –
Energy portals “are times of great potential for transformation and growing into more Conscious and complete people”.
* Stages of Spiritual Awakening. –
This Portal can help us Awaken our Spirituality.
May we experience a Greater Connection with our Inner Self, with the Universe and with the World around us.”.
* Closure of cycles and endings. –
This Powerful Portal gives us the opportunity to close cycles and endings in our life. This can include Relationships, work, habits or Thought patterns.
”With the Guide of the Cosmos and inner light, I dive into the Portal 9.9 embracing the Transformation, reconnecting with my Divine Essence and Emerging with a Renewed Clarity and an Expansive Heart”.
I open myself to all the possibilities that the Universe has for me, reconnecting with my infinite Essence. Here and now, Done this!
Today I turn on my inner light and let Her show me the way and allow me to hear my inner voice; That silent guide that has always been present. And so it is!.
Today with the energies of this Powerful Energy Portal 9.9, I give myself permission to use my intuition and my Sixth Sense to create extraordinary things, because that is where I connect with My True Wisdom.
That’s right, done this one!.
Today I release my past, I anchor myself in the present and I bless all that I have and all that is to come. That’s how it is, that’s how it was and that’s what it will be.
The Universe is sending me everything I’ve asked for, and I’m ready to receive Prosperity with open arms and a heart full of Love and Gratitude. That’s right!.
Today I open the door to abundance to enter my life from this day forward and always.
To tap into these powerful energies you can do:
– Meditation, using crystals focusing on the Heart chakra and vidualizing a green light that envelops it and heals.
– Introspection, reflect on your emotional life and what you consider your “home”.
– Liberation Rituals,
Write on a paper 9 things, situations or emotions that you want to leave behind; allowing the Energy of this Portal 9.9 to help you in this process of Liberacion.
Then, in a symbolic act burn that paper and as you watch it turn into ashes, imagine that you are releasing those energies.
You can also do;
– Connection with the Crystals;
Take Amethyst, Labradorite and Crystal Quartz with you during the day. You can also place it in a sacred place in your home.
These will help you maintain a strong connection with the energies of the day.
– Listen and Observe, Thank the Past, FOCUS your Mind and Guard your Energy.
These are important aspects that you can do starting today!
The combination of all these energies gives you the unique opportunity for deep spiritual, emotional and internal work.
Take advantage of this Cosmic Window to Connect with Yourself, Heal and Prepare for New Beginnings.
Strong hug Xolar wish for You, that the energies of this Powerful Portal 9/9 give you everything you desire.
I am Maria Lustig144
Guardian of the Flame of Light
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