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What is the connection between GESARA, Awakening and Ascension? – Paving the way to the 5D world we desire

What is the connection between GESARA, Awakening and Ascension? – Paving the way to the 5D world we desire




What is the connection between GESARA, Awakening and Ascension? – Paving the way to the 5D world we desire


The three terms GESARA, Awakening and Ascension  are often heard and are important terms. These three words are all connected, but do you know how they are related?

In fact, by understanding the relationship between these three terms, you can see what is happening now and the way forward.

This time I will review the content of the articles I have written so far, going back to basics and  organizing the three words GESARA, Awakening and Ascension in relation  to the path to the 5th dimensional world we desire.

  1. The number one goal is “dimensional ascension” to the 5th dimensional world.
  2. “GESARA” and “Awakening” as necessary elements for “dimensional ascension”
    1. “GESARA” is needed for the collapse of the old world + new world law
    2. “Awakening” to go to the 5th dimensional world and the collapse of the old world
  3. summary

The number one goal is “dimensional ascension” to the 5th dimensional world.


5D world
5D world


First, which of the three terms “GESARA/Awakening/Ascension” is the goal/purpose we are aiming for?

I believe  the number one purpose is “  ascension  .” Ascension is said to be the movement of raising (returning) the Earth, which is in the 3rd dimensional vibration, to its original 5th dimension.

If this premise is incorrect, the way you interpret information will go in the wrong direction. For example, if you think that GESARA is your goal, your goal will become “a world where you can make a lot of money.”

So what will happen if the world remains three-dimensional? I believe that the third dimension is a world of slavery and a world of conflict.

In a pyramid-structured world, a certain ruling class controls the world and most people are forced to work as slaves. The ruling class then creates divisions, starts wars, and ultimately destroys civilization.

It is said that it is the evil aliens who have been doing these evil things (suppressing them into 3D vibrations), and it is not just a story within Earth.

There, people called the Space Alliance are fighting the evil aliens on Earth, and they say they have already won. This will eventually help Earth ascend.

So the main premise is  that the Earth itself is ascending in dimension (a natural phenomenon)  , and that it is important  to move (by the Space Alliance) to return it to its original 5th dimensional vibration, which  has been disturbed by aliens  .

So what is the 5th dimensional wave/world? There are many ways to write it, but I have narrowed it down to the following two main points.

  1. A world of true freedom and love
  2. Coexist with the earth and nature, connect with the invisible world (world of waves and energy)

1. In the 3D world, the pyramidal structure that has been dominated will be dismantled and the world will change to one where humans can live as humans.

A relationship of being dominated by someone or being dominated by another person creates conflict, but a relationship without domination brings true freedom and peace. For this reason, it is sometimes called the world of love.

Regarding 2., until now humans have been subject to laws and other structures created by humans, but in the 5th dimensional world, this means that humans will become part of nature.

It is symbiotic because it is a feeling of being one, and not from a human perspective, like past conservation of nature and the environment. And you will start to feel connected to the invisible world of vibrations and energy, which few people have been able to feel until now.

This is also an inevitable part of integration with the natural world and can be perceived as a feeling similar to “hearing the voice of the soul”. Because it conforms to the laws of nature, it seems much easier to live in it than in the three-dimensional world.

The main premise of what is happening in the world today is to strive for a 5-dimensional world like the one described above.

“GESARA” and “Awakening” as necessary elements for “dimensional ascension”

I said that “ascension” is the most important thing, but the rest of “GESARA” and “awakening” are the necessary elements to move towards “ascension”.

Now that the evil aliens have been eliminated, it is finally an important time to transform the society humans have created and to transform ourselves.

Both elements of “GESARA” and “Awakening” are necessary, so I will explain them one by one.

“GESARA” is needed for the collapse of the old world + new world law

First, GESARA, which interests many, is a law that will drastically change the structure of society, focusing on the economy.

People called the Earth Alliance are working towards the activation of GESARA, and their plan is called Plan Q.

The history of Q dates back to at least the 19th century, and as you can see  in this article  by Alice Mama, it has a long history that has led to the current state of the world.

I have summarized the provisions and their ideas  in this article  , but I think you can understand that they are appropriate for the fifth-dimensional world.

The first thing that GESARA will bring about is  the collapse of the old world system  . As I mentioned earlier, in the 3D world, wealth was concentrated in a few ruling classes, and the majority lived as slaves through labor.

Unless we first dismantle this dominant structure, it will be difficult for us to become a 5-dimensional world. And after GESARA is activated, it will be a world where there will be no need to worry about money.

A world where you don’t have to worry about money is a world where the value is not placed on having a lot of money, but where you don’t have to worry about money to do what you want.

It can be said that the activation of GESARA is a necessary element for the ascension of the Earth, and on the other hand, it can also be said that it is a law whose essence cannot be understood unless you are a person of fifth-dimensional vibration.

So it is not true that the world will immediately become a 5-dimensional world if we have GESARA. The next element I will write about, the “awakening” of humanity, will become important.

“Awakening” to go to the 5th dimensional world and the collapse of the old world

What will happen if GESARA is activated in a 3D world? If money were to rain down on people who live their lives in pursuit of money, they would become blinded by greed and go insane.

Furthermore, if one has a lot of money, all the time one has devoted most of one’s life to earning money becomes free time. If one does not take advantage of this time, one will suffer like hell.

To advance into the 5th dimensional world like this, GESARA alone is not enough. What is needed is the “awakening” of each individual.

By the way, “dimensional ascension” is an Earth-wide movement, but  it seems that  humans have a choice of which dimension to advance to  . Therefore, we must choose whether we want to remain in the 3rd dimension or move to the 5th dimension.

I believe that what we do to advance into the 5th dimensional world is the act of “awakening.”

There are several elements to “awakening,” but  the most important are  an increase in perspective and a shift in values.

Until now, we have been controlled by illusions that we have created for ourselves, such as money and work. Not only is the old system collapsing, but we also need to get rid of the old world things of our values.

Specifically, the following changes to the values ​​will be required.

From “material wealth” to “spiritual wealth”

  • A life of true freedom (consciousness/autonomy) instead of a life of work and play
  • I wish happiness not only for myself, but also for others.

In addition to learning about the mechanisms of the old world, the goal is to live with nature in the 5th dimensional world. The guidelines by which we live our lives will also undergo a major change.

Until now, we have been “planning our lives” in a human-created fantasy world of making money, raising a family, and enjoying a peaceful retirement.

However, if we no longer have this structure, we can live more naturally and  in accordance with the voice of our soul that we hear within us  .

In the 5th dimensional world, things like unity and inner voice, which are only spoken about in the spiritual world, are becoming commonplace.

This sense of the realm of the spiritual world is also an important element of “awakening.”


In this article, we present the relationship between the three words GESARA, awakening and ascension.

I think it’s important  to see  where our world is headed, including what’s happening behind the scenes on a larger scale.

GESARA itself seems like a big event, but its purpose is even bigger: to protect the ascension of Earth and our current civilization.

If you watch the daily news with this big picture in mind, you will be less upset even when you see seemingly negative information.

In addition to “GESARA”, which is related to real social movements, topics such as “awakening” and “ascension” are about the invisible world, and some people may find them difficult to understand.

However, our world moves in tandem with this invisible world. I hope you will maintain a broad perspective and follow global trends while looking at the world from a bird’s eye view.





[PART1] Space-Earth Alliance and the role and relationship of Earth (Land) and space


I haven’t talked about this until now because I don’t think it’s something I really need to share, but now I feel like it might be a good time to share.


  • What are the roles and relationships of the Space Alliance, the Earth Alliance, and Earth (Terra)?
    • 1) Role and constituent elements of the Earth (Land)
    • 2) Role and components of the Earth Alliance
      • 2-1) Current functions of each group

What are the roles and relationships of the Space Alliance, the Earth Alliance, and Earth (Terra)?

What are the roles and relationships of the Space Alliance, the Earth Alliance, and Earth (Terra)?

Probably even at this time, many people  still equate  “the path to the 5th dimensional world” with “the path to the GESARA world”.

But essentially

Transition to the fifth-dimensional world (transition to fifth-dimensional space)

GESARA World (Building a global order and social structure based on GESARA)

Each of the above elements is an independent element (movement). (Depending on the presence or absence of this consciousness, the way events and information currently happening in the world are seen and felt may be different.)

Currently, the following three groups are driving the above factors.

1) Earth (Land)/Universe (natural world)

2) Earth Alliance

3) Space Alliance

1) Role and constituent elements of the Earth (Land)

Role of Earth (Land) and Space (Natural World)

The main role  of “Earth (Terra)”  is

Leading Earth (Terra) and the life forms living on Earth into the “fifth dimensional world”

And that.

By shifting into the 5th dimensional vibration, the Earth (Terra) is guiding the vibrations of the life forms living on Earth into the 5th dimension.

And what helps the movement of the earth (Earth) are “various energies from space (other planets like the sun)”.

The following three elements constitute  the “Earth (Terra)” group  that is involved in the transition to the 5th dimensional world.

1. Earth (Land, life form)

2. Nature spirits (higher dimensional beings) that control the natural world of Earth

3. Life forms living inside the Earth (higher dimensional races)

2) Role and components of the Earth Alliance

Role and components of the Earth Alliance

The main role played by the  Earth Alliance is

Building Social Order and Infrastructure Based on GESARA


First of all, the idea of  ​​“GESARA”  was created by the Earth Alliance (Earth People). It is inevitable that the Earth Alliance will be responsible for promoting the contents and plans of GESARA.

At the same time, it is important to recognize that  “Earth” and the “Space Alliance” are not involved in promoting the GESARA plan  (although the Space Alliance is indirectly involved).

The reality of the Earth Alliance  has not been made public, so it is not possible to give a precise definition.

That said, the following are  the components of the Earth Alliance  that I have checked to ensure there are no contradictions based on the vast amount of information available to date and the events that are actually occurring.

1. Earth Alliance core group (Q, carefully selected US/Russian military organizations, etc.)

2. Russia-centered (President Putin) global group (Russian military, BRICS, etc.)

3. US-centric (President Trump) groups (Trump team, US military, etc.)

4. A group of aliens living on Earth (Melania, Elon, etc.)

2-1) Current functions of each group

Current function of each group

There’s something I’d like to say first.

I feel like there are still a lot of people who think it is “President Trump (an American-centric group)” who is pushing the global GESARA plan (Plan Q), but that is wrong.

The global GESARA plan (Plan Q) is executed by the Earth Alliance core group.

That’s what it means.

President Trump plays a role in the GESARA plan (Plan Q)

And that.

In fact, “until 2021”, the “US group centered on President Trump” was responsible for  promoting and coordinating the global GESARA plan (Plan Q)  in accordance with the main group’s plan.

However, by the end of 2021, the Space Alliance had managed to completely eliminate the dark side aliens (Enlil, Draco, Rep, etc.) who formed the core of the Earth cabal, and the ‘was changed.

From January 2022  to present

Space-Earth Alliance
Space-Earth Alliance

The role of promoting the global GESARA plan will be played by a “global group centered on President Putin”

The “American group centered on President Trump” will play a role in “promoting the awakening of the American people” through political theater in the United States.

has been changed.

Therefore, in understanding and understanding the January 2022  “GESARA promotion status” , I will not place too much emphasis on “President Trump’s words and actions”, but instead pay close attention to “President Putin’s tendencies”.’

*Since last year, I’ve been saying that it’s basically better not to get carried away by President Trump’s moves, because of this change in my role.

* As for the role of the alien group living on Earth (Melania, Elon, etc.), I don’t think it’s necessary to share it at this time, so I’d like to talk about it when the time is right.

*This time I didn’t have time to write (I realized that the amount of information has increased (lol)), so I’ll stop here for now. Additional information will be added later about the “Role and Structure of the Space Alliance”, “Existence and Role of the Space Alliance Special Envoys” and “How the Space Alliance, the Earth Alliance and Earth (Terra) are connected.”

*The continuation is written in a separate article (article below) as “PART 2”. I hope you can take a look.




The US Space Force, Galactic Federation, and SpaceX: A Joint Statement That Will Shatter Your Reality

Everything you thought you knew is a lie. The world as you know it is about to be torn apart and rewritten before your very eyes. Today, the US Space Force, the Galactic Federation, and SpaceX have unleashed a bombshell—a statement that will not just shock you but will obliterate your entire perception of reality. The time has come to confront the truth, the lies, and the power struggle that’s been waged behind the scenes. Are you ready to face the revolution of your lifetime? Buckle up, because your life is about to change—forever.
A Call to Arms: The Battle for Humanity Begins
A storm is coming. You’ve felt it in the pit of your stomach, in the whispers of your soul. That underlying tension, the sense of looming chaos—it’s all been leading to this. The US Space Force, SpaceX, and the Galactic Federation are not just issuing a statement—they are declaring WAR on the forces that have kept humanity in chains. And they have a message for you: “DO. NOT. PANIC.”
But let’s face it—how can you not? This isn’t just another announcement, it’s a declaration that will shatter your understanding of the world. This alliance has banded together for one purpose: to tear down the lies and manipulation that have held us captive for far too long. If you’ve ever felt powerless, if you’ve ever been silenced, ignored, or lied to, NOW is the time to pay attention. Because the truth is about to be revealed, and the impact will be nothing short of apocalyptic.
A Rallying Cry for Truth and Justice
“We stand for God, women, and children.” A simple statement, but one that carries the weight of the universe. This isn’t some feel-good mantra to rally the masses—this is a battle cry. For centuries, the innocent have suffered, the weak have been preyed upon, and the truth has been buried under layers of deceit. And who has suffered most? The ones without power—the women, the children, the vulnerable.
There is no room for weakness now, no time for hesitation. As darkness and chaos threaten to consume the world, these words ring out like a war drum, an unbreakable shield against the fear-mongers who want to keep you powerless. Faith is not some passive, comforting notion—it’s a weapon. A weapon to be wielded against the forces that wish to break your spirit and keep you subservient.
Faith is your armor. It is your sword. And as this world descends into chaos, you MUST wield it without mercy. Evil will try to scare you, to beat you down, to silence you—but that time has come to an end. The curtain is being pulled back, and the monsters lurking behind it are about to be exposed. And when they are, you will have a choice: to cower in fear or to stand with faith, courage, and defiance. Choose wisely, because the battle for your soul, your future, and your freedom is just beginning.
Space Operations Command
Space Operations Command



Intel: US blackout 10/10, EBS activated in Japan in 3rd week


This is an excerpt from Shinichiro Ishikawa’s YouTube livestream, which is distributing Intel information at the request of the Alliance.


  Trump and Elon Musk’s Collaborative Speech at Butler



Trump’s rally will be held in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, October 5, Eastern Time.


Butler, Pennsylvania, was where the attack on Mr. Trump took place on Saturday, July 13.


Trump will again choose this location to hold a rally.


Elon Musk has announced that he will be participating in this rally for the first time.


Kamala Harris’ team seems deeply shocked and appalled by this news.


Elon Musk announced his support for Trump immediately after the attack on Trump on Saturday, July 13.


So what does this joint speech between Trump and Elon Musk in Butler, Pennsylvania mean?


  Epic film setting/direction



Trump recently said at a rally:


“Now we have a president and a vice president who don’t actually exist.


And nobody knows what’s going on in America right now.”


The various media outlets that have heard this have no idea what it refers to, nor do they understand its meaning or translation.


This is indicative of the collapse of the dark forces of DS.


And Trump is simply saying that the November election will never happen.


In other words, everything was in accordance with the scripted and staged scenario.


And it is this message that suggests that EBS is close.


Now we are watching an epic movie.


  Trump v Harris: Michael’s trial 20 years ago



Trump and Kamala Harris are currently competing in the US presidential election on Tuesday, November 5.


But 20 years ago, Trump and Kamala Harris fought a battle during the Michael Jackson trial.


At this time, Kamala Harris, as a prosecutor, was actively working to put Michael Jackson behind bars and ruin his life.


On the contrary, Trump stood by Michael Jackson, protecting and fervently defending Michael Jackson from the accusations made by prosecutor Kamala Harris.

EBS activated in Japan in 3rd week
EBS activated in Japan in 3rd week


As a result, Michael Jackson was found not guilty of all charges.


In other words, the battle between Trump and Kamala Harris 20 years ago ended with Trump winning.


The face of the 2024 presidential election is exactly the same as it was at Michael’s trial 20 years ago.


Is this just a coincidence?


Or is it a Trump Theatre set and production?


Then in October of this year, with the end of EBS, people like Michael Jackson and John Lennon, who were supposedly deceased, suddenly appeared and became big news all over the world, and people around the world were surprised but warmly welcomed.


Will this also be the planned Trump Theatre setting and performance?


  Intel Information Announcing the Dawn



Everything could change within a week at the earliest – the reformist US military has already finished preparing for that.


A blackout (large-scale power outage) is planned  in the United States around October 10 (Thursday).


And this  blackout occurs in conjunction with the EBS  .


That is,  if there is a blackout next week,  there is a high possibility that EBS will be activated the following week.


Beneath the surface, a new American republic has already been born.


The lineup is Trump, the 19th President of the New Republic, and Vice President JFK Jr.


America, which is said to have gained independence in 1776, was actually ruled by the Vatican and the British Royal Family for a long time.


By the time of the Civil War in 1861, America was truly mired in debt to the Vatican, the British royal family, the Rothschild family and others.


Since then, America has become a seemingly powerful country in the world, but in reality it was America, Inc., that was completely dominated and controlled by the dark forces of DS.


It was Trump, the 19th president of the New Republic, who took the United States out of this situation and restored it to the original American republic.


And the UN’s huge off-balance sheet funds have already been confiscated by the QFS. It’s also the end of the United Nations.


QFS and Starlink collaborated on the Internet to hunt down all the evils of the dark forces of DS.



EBS will be  implemented in Japan around the third week of October.


And now, stock prices repeatedly fluctuate abnormally, and the situation is truly chaotic.


We can look back at the current era calmly and with a smile on our face.


NHK has already completed a simulation test and implementation of EBS.







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