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Terra Project Lumina

MED BEDS 5D: The NEW and incredible technology ~ Terra Project Lumina

MED BEDS 5D: The NEW and incredible technology THEY don’t want you to know about! Terra Project Lumina




MED BEDS 5D: The NEW and incredible technology THEY don’t want you to know about!



Explore the revolutionary 5D Med Beds technology and discover the hidden truth they don’t want you to know! Dive deep into the future of healing with this incredible new technology that is set to change the world. Watch the video to find out how these Med Beds can transform health and well-being in ways you never imagined!


In a world of ever-evolving medical technology, a groundbreaking revelation has emerged – the introduction of   5D Med Beds,   a medical marvel set to redefine our understanding of health and well-being.

Imagine a world where health concerns can be addressed with ease, where illnesses that once seemed insurmountable can now be effectively treated in a matter of minutes.  This is the future that Med Beds 5D promises, and it’s a future that’s closer than you think.

In recent years, there has been an explosion of interest around 5D Med Beds, a cutting-edge healthcare solution that is generating excitement and hope around the world. This groundbreaking technology is not only poised to transform the medical field, but also change the lives of countless people seeking relief from various health challenges.

In this comprehensive article, we’ll delve deeper into the world of 5D Med Beds, exploring the myriad of health benefits they offer and the profound impact they’re poised to have on our society.

Unveiling 5D Med Beds: A Glimpse into the Future of Healthcare

The procedures associated with 5D Med Beds are nothing short of miraculous, taking just a few minutes to treat a wide range of health issues. Be it 3 PM or any other time of the day, these beds are ready to usher in a new era of medical treatment. Let’s take a closer look at what makes 5D Med Beds a game-changer in the world of healthcare.

A glimpse into the future.  The introduction of 5D Med Beds marks a monumental leap forward in healthcare. It offers a lifeline to those who have longed for solutions to their health challenges, redefining what is possible in terms of medical treatment. However, it is important to approach this technology with a sense of wonder and responsibility, recognizing that while it can work wonders, it is not a one-size-fits-all solution.

As we look toward a world where   5D Med Beds   become more accessible, it’s essential to remember that these innovations should be used for the betterment of humanity. They have the potential to revolutionize healthcare as we know it, but they must be used judiciously, with a focus on improving lives and promoting well-being.

The arrival of  5D Med Beds  represents a quantum leap in the realm of healthcare, offering hope and healing to individuals struggling with a myriad of health issues. As we stand on the precipice of an exciting new era in medicine, it is crucial to approach this technology with a mix of wonder, responsibility and commitment to improving the health and well-being of humanity.


In a world where health is a precious gift, 5D Med Beds offer the promise of a brighter, healthier future for all. The dawn of this revolutionary technology invites us to explore its potential, embrace its healing capabilities, and imagine a world where optimal health is within everyone’s reach. So keep your eyes on the horizon, because the future of healthcare is here and it looks brighter than ever.






Unveiling Enchantment: Floating Mountains and Bioluminescent Forests

Today, we invite you to embark on a journey beyond imagination, where the boundaries of reality blur and realms of fantasy come to life. Welcome to Terra Genesis Innovations, where magic meets technology in the most enchanting way.

Picture this:

Floating mountains, reminiscent of the majestic peaks of Pandora from the iconic film “Avatar,” dot the horizon with their ethereal presence. These towering monoliths, seemingly defying gravity itself, serve as a testament to the limitless creativity and ingenuity of Genesis Earth.

But that’s not all. Amid the verdant expanses of our enchanted forests, a spectacle unlike any other unfolds. Bioluminescent flora, imbued with the soft glow of a thousand stars, transforms the landscape into a fairytale kingdom straight out of a storybook.

What makes this sight so remarkable, you ask? It’s not just the breathtaking beauty or the sense of awe it evokes—it’s the convergence of nature and technology, the harmonious fusion of art and science, that makes it truly extraordinary.

At Terra Genesis, we harness the power of advanced biotechnology and sustainable engineering to bring this magical vision to life. Through a combination of genetic engineering, environmental manipulation, and innovative design, we create a world where the impossible becomes possible, where dreams take flight, and reality is just a canvas for our wildest imaginations.

Imagine wandering through these enchanted forests, bathed in the soft glow of bioluminescent flowers, while floating mountains cast their shadows over the land below. It’s a world where fantasy and reality intertwine, where every corner holds the promise of discovery and adventure.

But our vision extends beyond mere spectacle. These floating mountains and bioluminescent forests represent more than just a marvel of technology—they are a symbol of hope, of possibility, of our collective ability to shape a better world. At a time when the wonders of nature are threatened by the encroachment of civilization, Terra Genesis offers a glimpse of a future where humanity and the natural world coexist in perfect harmony.

So join us, dear dreamers, as we embark on this extraordinary journey together. Let us weave a tapestry of magic and wonder, where the beauty of the natural world is preserved for future generations, and where today’s dreams become tomorrow’s reality.

Welcome to Terra Genesis, where the impossible is just the beginning.

Introducing Terra Project Lumina: A Journey into the Realm of Magic

Enter a world where dreams take flight and reality is but a whisper on the wind. Welcome to Project Lumina, where the lines between imagination and existence blur, and the wonders of fairy tales come to life before your eyes.

Terra Project Lumina is more than just a breathtaking spectacle—it’s a gateway to a new way of living, a chance to experience the world in all its wonder and splendor. Here, amid the ethereal beauty of our enchanted landscapes, you’ll discover a host of benefits that promise to transform your life in ways you never imagined possible.

1️⃣. Escape into fantasy:

With Project Lumina, you’ll have the opportunity to escape the confines of reality and immerse yourself in a world straight out of a fairy tale. Whether you’re wandering through luminous forests or climbing the heights of floating mountains, every moment is an adventure waiting to unfold.

2️⃣. Healing and restoration:

Nature has long been acclaimed for its restorative properties, and within the enchanted realms of Project Lumina, you will find solace and healing like you have never experienced before. Let the gentle glow of bioluminescent flora soothe your soul and rejuvenate your spirit, as you revel in the tranquility of a world untouched by time.

3️⃣. Inspiration and creativity:

Amidst such stunning beauty, inspiration flows like a river, fueling your creativity and igniting your imagination. Whether you’re an artist seeking inspiration or a dreamer seeking new horizons, Project Lumina provides a canvas to paint the dreams of tomorrow.

4️⃣. Connection with Nature:

As humanity continues to encroach on the natural world, Project Lumina serves as a beacon of hope—a reminder of our deep connection to the Earth and all its wonders. Here, amidst the floating mountains and bioluminescent forests, you will rediscover the magic of nature and forge a bond that transcends time and space.

5️⃣. A legacy for future generations:

By supporting Project Lumina, you’re not just embracing a vision of magic and wonder—you’re helping to create a legacy for future generations. Through sustainable practices and a commitment to environmental stewardship, we’re ensuring that Project Lumina’s enchantment endures for centuries to come, inspiring awe and wonder in all who behold it.

So join us, dear dreamers, as we embark on this extraordinary journey together. Let Project Lumina be your guide to a world of magic and possibility, where the wonders of fairy tales are no longer confined to the realm of imagination, but are yours to explore and experience firsthand.

Project Lumina, a visionary effort by Terra Genesis Innovations that promises to revolutionize the way we perceive and interact with our environment.

1️⃣. Health and wellness retreats:

Immerse yourself in the tranquility of Project Lumina with our exclusive wellness retreats. Led by experienced experts, these retreats invite you to rediscover harmony in the embrace of nature. From rejuvenating yoga sessions to guided mindfulness practices, every moment is an opportunity to nurture your well-being and restore balance to your life.

2️⃣. Educational experiences:

Ignite your curiosity and embark on a journey of discovery with our educational programs. Whether you’re a student, educator, or lifelong learner, Project Lumina offers a wealth of opportunities to explore the wonders of the natural world. Participate in hands-on learning experiences, immerse yourself in ecological studies, and witness the beauty of biodiversity up close.

3️⃣. Therapeutic applications:

Find solace amidst the serene landscapes of Project Lumina as you embark on a transformative healing journey. Our therapeutic programs are designed to provide support and guidance for those facing life’s challenges. Through immersive therapy sessions and holistic healing practices, you will emerge refreshed, renewed, and ready to embrace life’s infinite possibilities.

4️⃣, Ecotourism and sustainable practices:

Experience ecotourism at its best and join us in preserving the beauty of our planet for future generations. Project Lumina is committed to sustainable practices that minimize our environmental footprint and promote conservation efforts. From renewable energy initiatives to wildlife conservation projects, every step we take brings us closer to a more sustainable future.

5️⃣. Artistic residencies and creative retreats:

Unleash your creativity and let your imagination soar amidst the enchanting landscapes of Project Lumina. Our artist residencies and creative retreats provide a haven for artists, writers and musicians to find inspiration in the boundless beauty of nature. Whether you’re sketching beneath a canopy of stars or composing melodies to the rhythm of the forest, creativity knows no bounds in this magical realm.

6️⃣. Adventure tourism and outdoor activities:

Embark on the adventure of a lifetime and explore the wilderness of Project Lumina. From thrilling hikes through lush forests to exhilarating wildlife safaris, there’s no shortage of adrenaline-pumping experiences to be had. Whether you’re looking for a heart-pounding thrill or a peaceful retreat in nature, Project Lumina offers something for everyone.

7️⃣. Research and conservation efforts:

Join us in our mission to safeguard the Lumina Project’s biodiversity and protect its precious ecosystems for future generations. Through collaborative research initiatives and conservation projects, we are working tirelessly to study, preserve, and restore the natural habitats that make this enchanted kingdom so unique. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that the Lumina Project remains a beacon of hope for years to come.

6️⃣. Community building and social impact:

At the heart of Project Lumina is a deep commitment to driving positive change and empowering communities. Through grassroots initiatives, cultural exchange programs, and social impact projects, we are building bridges that bring people together from all walks of life. Together, we are creating a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable future for all.

Step into the magic of Project Lumina and let your imagination soar. Join us on this extraordinary journey as we redefine what it means to live in harmony with nature. Together, we can create a world where wonder knows no bounds and possibilities are as limitless as the stars in the sky.


Terra Project Lumina
Terra Project Lumina



White Hats Sound the Alarm: Trust the Plan, God Wins!

The time has come—are you ready to stand up and fight for your freedom? The White Hats have emerged with a message that cannot be ignored. In these turbulent times, they have issued a powerful call to action, urging patriots everywhere to join them in a battle that will determine the fate of our nation and the world. This is no ordinary fight; it is a fight against an invisible enemy that has infiltrated the highest levels of government—the Deep State.

The Plan Revealed: A Battle for the Soul of Humanity The White Hats, a group of courageous patriots, have a plan—a plan to save the world from the clutches of the Deep State. It’s not just about politics; it’s about defending the very soul of humanity. The Deep State has operated in the shadows for too long, manipulating events and controlling governments. But the White Hats are ready to expose them, to tear the mask off this sinister cabal, and restore freedom and justice.

Their message is clear: the battle lines have been drawn. The time for complacency is over. Now is the time to act, to stand shoulder to shoulder with those who are ready to fight for freedom and truth. This is a fight for our future, and the White Hats are leading the charge.

White Hats Sound the Alarm
White Hats Sound the Alarm

The Deep State Exposed: The Enemy Within For years, the Deep State has been dismissed as a conspiracy theory, but the White Hats know the truth. This shadowy network has infiltrated every aspect of our government, controlling the media, the financial system, and even the highest offices in the land. Their goal? To enslave humanity under their tyrannical rule. The White Hats are determined to stop them, expose their web of deceit, and bring them to justice.

This is not just a battle against corruption; it is a battle for survival. White Hats are committed to dismantling the Deep State power structure and restoring the rights and freedoms that have been taken away. They know this fight will not be easy, but they are ready to face whatever comes, knowing that they are on the right side of history.

United We Stand: A Call to Patriots The White Hats’ message is not just for a select few—it’s for everyone who loves freedom and justice. They are calling on patriots across the country and around the world to join them in this fight. This is a battle that cannot be won alone; it requires a united front. Together, we can stand against the forces of darkness and emerge victorious.

This is not just a political battle; it is a spiritual battle. White Hats believe that faith in God will guide them through this storm, and they are calling on all believers to stand with them. This is a time for courage, strength, and unwavering commitment to the cause of freedom.

The Storm is Coming: Prepare for a Reckoning The White Hats have warned us—a storm is coming. This storm will shake the very foundations of our society, but it will also bring the truth to light. The White Hats are ready to lead us through it, to guide us through the darkness and into a new era of freedom and justice. But they can’t do it alone—they need you.

The time to act is now. The White Hats have a plan, and they are confident that with your help, they can achieve victory. Trust in the plan, remain steadfast in your faith, and know that God is on our side. The storm may be fierce, but together, we can weather it and come out stronger on the other side.

Trust the Plan, God Wins In the end, the message is simple: Trust the plan—God wins. White Hats are fighting for us, for our future, and for the soul of humanity. They believe that with faith, courage, and unity, we can overcome the darkness and build a better world. The storm is coming, but with White Hats leading the charge, we can face it with confidence. Stand with them, trust the plan, and know that victory is within our grasp.




Afternoon Edition Trust the plan By Peter B. Meyer – August 25, 2024
The Alliance has confirmed that its objective to defeat the Deep State was much more complex, time-expensive and difficult than planned. It’s becoming increasingly obvious that world-changing information is about to be released, probably sooner than expected. This is now accompanied by the long awaited mass arrests. There are literally over seventy thousand sealed criminal indictments to be done. Once this sequence of events is in full swing, it’s up to awakened readers to help everyone understand what’s happening, explaining the positive nature of changes that are happening and in progress. Never forget; deliberate devaluation of our fiat currency by central banks is theft, and is equivalent to counterfeiting.
The founding fathers of the United States of America considered counterfeiting a serious crime deserving of the death penalty. The Deep State is in panic because people are waking up and realizing they can’t stop it. They keep trying to prevent it or suppress it, but the truth is coming out. Now, it is time for people to learn to think with their own heads, distancing themselves from exaggerations, in which, for example, large numbers of people, because of a senseless type of group thinking, come to the conclusion that something has value, while if they had to think logically, they would come to the conclusion they do not it is like that. Much in the world has been intentionally misinterpreted and misinterpreted by the media.
There’s a grave shortage of independent and critical thinking people. This lack can easily be eliminated by reading and studying my book THE GREAT AWAKENING, and thereby consciously experimenting and understanding the impending developments with joy. It’s very important for all of us that as many people as possible wake up and stay awake. Everyone is invited to translate for republishing in any language, with the kind request not to omit the source.
Informing people in their language is essential to achieve our goal of liberating humanity.
The book The Great Awakening has been put online for free in E-book formats:👇




Will this week be a great week? Or will something amazing happen in November? Maybe both are great possibilities!

Good evening everyone.


On yesterday’s podcast, Mel K said that a lot has happened this week and that it’s going to be an amazing week! On the other hand,

I read information from Mr. Benjamin Fulford that something amazing will happen during the US Presidential Election in November! What is it?

Which one of them was exaggerating, the truth? Or will something terrible happen?


First, I’d like to give you a summary of what Mel K said on the podcast show that starts tomorrow.


1. A. Mel and Mayhem
Hot Sunday

            Hello everyone, welcome
to this week’s review.
Chinese New Year is July 22, August 12 according to the Julian calendar.
August 26,  Space Force moves to implement the new Quantum System (QFS),  a bridge there,
August 26, bridge to. new QFS completed
on August 26, another 88, Q post 1933, correlation to August 25,  could this be the real weekend that ends the old system?
August 26, the digital asset world connects to the blockchain and  quantum systems are implemented.
August 26, Japan’s FTX rebrands,  is this the financial collapse we’ve been waiting for?  Will it be 1988 all over again?
August 26, Q Post, Japan’s crash, possibility of EBS Day?
B. BRICS member India Rupee back online,  60% withdrawals to be reinstated…
On August 26, big changes planned in Australia,  contract rules, standards, protections… All available after the show ends

           Please see the link…
this is a good global reset.
Check for changes in your country
August 27 is 2.14 Valentine’s Day,  another milestone we’ve been waiting for
August 27-29, a meeting between Chinese ministries and the United States
of the former Communist Party of China Changes, China sends someone  from the  Blue Party to meet with the US, look,  we’ll know more on Wednesday
….  With the next generation of satellites

On August 27th, Mel said Ghost Gun/  Sky beacon about  changes to New York’s 3D gun laws.

           Did I miss an event mentioned?

      C. The Coinbase wallet that will go digital on August 28th will be linked to the EU MICA (Regulation)

           Breaking the Corrupt System,  launched on August 28, will be 1:1 and  create a level playing field…

           August 28, COINBASE launch is a level playing field…  . Digitalization will take power away from the EU central bank…

           Creating a gold-backed stablecoin…
August 29, Terminator 2, Judgement Day correlation,  another 2.14 boom day…
August 29, follow Kim Clement’s skills. For those who are,  please see the video link provided,

August            29             ,  8-11 

           It’s going to be explosive………….

      D. On August 30th the new film “City of Dreams” will be released…  it’s pretty hardcore and about child trafficking.

The same goes for the producer of the             film “The Sound of Freedom”.

           On August 25th,  an article was published today claiming that Taiwan has the largest gold reserves in the world.  Please see the link…
Will the war between China and Taiwan really end on August 30th? Take away the money and end child trafficking Check out this link: On
August 31st,  Delta Airlines resumes flights from New York to Israel…  the end of the so-called war.

Is it a symbol to represent you?
Bank of Guam launches transaction services.  It all starts in Africa and is backed by gold…

          This week is a big boom.

   E. Stay happy, healthy and grounded.
See you on an awesome Wednesday. If anything happens, Mel will come back and report back… if anything changes…

    Thanks to everyone who looked deep…
See you next week when it’s going to be amazing… Well then, goodbye… A
warm Sunday with Mel, USA…

(Many people have said that this week will be a great week, but Mail K is the only one who has written about it in such detail, so I would like to introduce him to you.

I received it. )


2. This time I have received information from Mr. Benjamin Fulford that something dramatic will happen in November!


A. YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki’s execution, Anthony Fauci’s mysterious illness, Telegram’s death

The autumn campaign of the secret battle for Earth has begun, including the arrest of CEO Pavel Durov.

There’s a lot more going on behind the scenes. This is building to a very dramatic climax in November,

promised a Secret Space Force source at a White Hat meeting on August 25. For operational security reasons,

I can’t comment on what to expect in November, other than to say that there will be more going on than the US presidential election.


B. As mentioned at the beginning, those who attended the meeting in Asia last weekend with representatives of secret societies and secret space forces believed that something as dramatic as this could happen in November.


(Maybe there will be an announcement of the emergency broadcast system and NESARA GESARA in November!)



Now let me present some other information.


3. First of all, here is the information that we thought such a machine would suddenly appear in the future, but in fact, a family will soon have one!

In fact, this replicator, including the Medbed, will soon be used worldwide.


A. Power of Replicators – Technology related to medical beds

          According to Jared Rand,  Replicators use plasma energy to create  whatever you want.

          I’ll get it. For example,  if your snow boots wear out on a snowy day, you might need new snow boots  or a new hat and coat.

          If necessary. Then  just program this huge database (replicator) with the latest styles and details.

          The replicator generates it. Perfect size.  Fits like a glove.  Product in seconds

          will be generated. Craving a hot fudge sundae on a hot day?

  B. The replicator  recycles.  No waste, no trash, no garbage,  no environment.

          It does not pollute or destroy the ecosystem.  The soil is plasma energy. Plants are

          It’s plasma energy. Take a replicator to a poor village and  people will have what they dreamed of in a matter of minutes.

          You can have it all  . Replicators eliminate  the need for large tracts of land to feed a population.

          You can achieve anything you want.  3D printers are the precursors to replicators.  If we speed it up 100 times

          The replicator is complete. All creation is made of plasma energy.  Replicators of the galaxy

          Given the extraterrestrial technology,  the galaxy shares this technology with humanity.  This technology is coming soon!

          It will be available everywhere.  You can always have a lot of fun with this technique.




4. Then, in President Trump’s speech the other day, John F. Kennedy Jr.’s cousin, Robert F. Kennedy, resigned from the Democratic Party.

I said in my speech that I support President Trump!

I had actually heard this was going to happen a long time ago, so I thought it was part of the movie!


A. These two are trying to dismantle the deep state like never before.

Protect America!


B. RFK Jr. didn’t just support Trump. He exposed the dark side of the deep state.
That changes everything.


C. This is great news.
BREAKING NEWS: RFK Jr. has announced that he will actively campaign for President Trump.


D. Now, I want you to take a look at this. They’re eating each other. It’s fun to watch.
BREAKING NEWS: RFK Jr. shocks mainstream media reporters because the Democratic Party is now the party of corruption, big tech, big donors, etc.

officially announced.




5. And in such an interesting interview, RFJ Jr. answered a question from someone by doing a certain movement and responding with something amazing!


If JFK Jr. were alive, please touch his nose.” He shamelessly touched his nose!







6. This time, I will briefly introduce how amazing XRP is.


A. Yes, the Federal Reserve (FRB) plans to take ownership of Ripple XRP as a global payments solution.

Is Ripple buying back XRP as part of a buyback program? – Yes, Ripple has a buyback program.

As part of that, we are trying to buy back XRP and get it out of the hands of retailers and into the hands of institutional investors.
Breaking News: Google Says Federal Reserve Will Adopt XRP as Global Payments Solution

It is reported that there are plans.
Ripple is also looking to buy back XRP and transfer it from retail to institutional investors.
Additionally, JPMorgan has announced that it will accept XRP as a form of payment.

Let’s do what we need to do now! God bless.


B. Central banks are partnering with XRP to enable smooth and fast cross-border CBDC transactions.
Welcome to the future of money!







7. And today in Congress, Mr. Zuckerberg, owner of Facebook (Meta), admitted three things!


A. House Judiciary Republican
Mark Zuckerberg acknowledged three things:
1. The Biden-Harris administration “pressured” Facebook to censor Americans.
2. Facebook censored Americans.
3. Facebook censored the article about Hunter Biden’s laptop.
A huge victory for free speech.


B. This shows that    the upcoming elections will not be easy for the deep state.  Because they are already

     You can’t rely on tried and tested methods of operation.  This second round is theirs

Things don’t go as planned. Because  the element of surprise has already betrayed them many times in the last seven days.

           As such, they are  concerned  about future possibilities that could reverse decades of deception  .

The agents are attacking them.


BREAKING NEWS: Zuckerberg (META), founder of Facebook and Instagram, lost his job during the coronavirus pandemic.

He admits and regrets working with             the Biden-Harris administration  to censor information online.


(This is also in line with the movie’s setting! We are in the process of awakening the general public!)




8. This is the last information for today. I wanted to write more, but tomorrow is early, so I’ll end it here.


A. Quantum Phone: Revolutionizing Communication and Finance in the Age of GESARA

Innovation is rewriting the rules of technology and  Quantum Phones are leading the charge to  help us

We are ushering in a new era of communication and finance  . Quantum phones are packed with cutting-edge features.

It represents the dawn of the future,           not just for American consumers, but for people around the world.


QOS Operating System: Master the Future

Basically, the Quantum Phone runs on the revolutionary QOS operating system. This

64-bit architecture delivers blazing-fast speeds, seamless performance, and  an unmatched user experience.

This is the engine behind it. Whether  it’s multiple apps,  high-resolution games or complex calculations, QOS keeps your smartphone

Turn it into a supercomputer in your hands.


B. Unparalleled Audio: A Sound Revolution

The Quantum Phone redefines audio with a next-generation 64-bit sound system that lets you hear every note,

We make sure         every beat, every sound is transmitted clearly.  Stream your favorite music,

You’ve never experienced better sound quality when         immersing yourself in a game or  taking a call.


256 GB RAM: Unleashed power

For those who need power and performance, the Quantum Phone comes with 256 GB of RAM.

This isn’t just memory,  it’s a performance revolution. Edit videos,  play graphics-intensive games,

Get unprecedented multitasking         , like running multiple apps simultaneously.  Quantum Phone delivers unmatched responsiveness

Deliver a high-quality experience.


Mastering Dual SIM: Maximum Flexibility

In today’s hyper-connected world, flexibility is key.  QCell NanoSim and eSIM

Quantum Phone support offers unmatched network versatility. One SIM for work,

You can use the other one for personal use or  easily switch carriers depending on your needs.  Quantum Phone is

Adapt to the user.


C. Redefining Photography: 256MP Front Camera and 1024MP Rear Camera

Quantum Phone reimagines smartphone photography. Take beautiful selfies with the 256MP front camera,

Take your rear photos to the next level with an unprecedented 1024MP sensor.  your photo is

It becomes a worthy work of art that replaces bulky DSLR cameras.  Every photo, every moment is captured perfectly.


Unlimited storage: 2TB to store everything

With 2TB of storage, the Quantum Phone is your personal digital vault. apps, photos,

       You don’t have to worry about running out of video space. This phone  demands space for your ever-growing digital life

Made for        modern users.


8723mAh Battery: Long-Lasting Power

The Quantum Phone is equipped with an 8723mAh battery to ensure constant power.  Even for heavy users

If all you need is reliability, this battery  will keep you running  without the need for constant charging.

       Built to live non-stop.


D. Visionaries: Q, StarLink HQ and Steve Jobs

The birth of the Quantum Phone is a collective victory that pays homage         to the legendary Steve Jobs.  of this revolution

Q, the powerhouse behind it, and StarLink QG, known for its pioneering connectivity, join forces to  unite innovation and elegance.

They have created        a device that is a technological masterpiece.


The Quantum Phone is more than just a smartphone.  This is a technological and financial revolution;

This brings us even closer to the reality of GESARA. This device is changing the way  we communicate, work and  manage our lives.

It’s about redefining it.

Welcome to the future. The Quantum Phone is more than just a product, it’s the next step in our evolution.






Thank you for reading today.

Operation Sting by Q

According to Q followers, a massive arms operation is underway that promises to expose deep-rooted corruption and usher in a new era of justice and transparency. Whether or not you believe in the legitimacy of QAnon, the parallels between its narrative and the events surrounding the Starlink EBS signal are hard to ignore.

The idea of ​​a global sting operation – which could potentially involve the mass dissemination of critical information to children – fits perfectly with the concept of a global EBS signal. Could the activation of the signal be the final piece of the broken head in a grand plan by Q?


DEFCON One Alert: The World Has No Limits

As Starlink’s EBS signal approaches deployment, the world is on heightened alert. The issuance of a DEFCON One alert—a status reserved for the most serious global threats—sends shockwaves through the public and private sectors. This alert signifies a global event of unprecedented significance that could reshape the geopolitical landscape in ways we can only begin to imagine.

There is currently a red flag due to speculation that it is directly linked to the imminent activation of the Starlink EBS signal. Could the deployment of this signal be not just a technological framework, but also a critical component of a larger and more complex operation? Coincidentally, these two events have not gone unnoticed, and many are wondering what the true nature of this impending event could be.


The EBS Generation Starlink Signal: From Internet Provider to Global Change Agent

When Starlink first entered the public consciousness, it was hailed as a breakthrough in satellite internet technology. The goal was simple but ambitious: to provide high-speed internet access to every corner of the globe, especially in areas where traditional internet infrastructure was nonexistent or non-existent. The company’s constellation of low-Earth orbit (LEO) satellites promised to realize that vision by delivering reliable, high-speed internet to rural and underserved areas.



But as the Starlink network grew, so did its potential applications. It wasn’t long before the idea of ​​using this vast network of satellites for more than just internet connectivity began to take shape. The concept of an Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) signal, capable of reaching every cellphone on the planet, emerged as a natural extension of Starlink’s capabilities. It wasn’t just about internet access; it was about creating a global safety net, a system that could potentially save thousands of lives in the event of a disaster or crisis.


The world faces a monumental shift , a transformation that will redefine power, control and the very structure of our global society. This shift is driven by the rise of the Quantum Financial System (QFS) and the Global Economic Security and Reform Act (GESARA).

These innovations, supported by technologies like quantum phones and the Stellar Blockchain, are poised to dismantle the rule of global elites – the very entities that have manipulated the world’s resources for far too long.

As this revolution unfolds, the corrupt powers of organizations like NATO, the WHO, the UN and the banking elites will resonate, paving the way for a new era of true freedom and justice.


Starlink and QFS: The Backbone of a New Financial Order

The center of this transformation is Starlink, a project initially conceived by the US Air Force, the Global Military Alliance and the Galactic Federation.



The Starlink satellite constellation is the backbone of the Quantum Financial System (QFS). This system ensures that financial transactions are not only extremely fast, but also immune to manipulation by the global banking elite.

Starlink Quantum Internet is the key to a future where censorship, corruption and traditional gatekeepers are a thing of the past.

With its quantum technology, this Internet is designed to connect the world, heal minds and break down the barriers that keep people divided and controlled.

The QFS, powered by Starlink, is a financial network that offers unprecedented security and transparency, taking power away from two corrupt bankers and giving it back to the poor.


The world is in the grip of a seismic shift, one we can hardly imagine, much less reconstruct. Yet the underworld of the Internet is making the whispers louder. Something monumental is brewing…


The Global Currency Reset is a treaty signed by 209 countries in 2014 with the aim of resetting the value of their currencies through the Cross-Border Interbank Payments System (CIPS) to achieve 1:1 parity between them…


Bruce (The Big Call)

…the QFs system, at least for the redemption centers, is connected, – that’s very good – and now we just need our emails to come to us and we can make appointments to start… the latest I have is that we would receive this by Friday the 30th… if we don’t get notified and start the exchanges on Friday, it would go over the weekend… Anything is possible… it could actually go into September with the concept of the weekend being a Labor Day weekend… So we’ll see what happens.



We heard rumors that it was going to happen on Monday night… than last night… now the rumors are for this weekend…

The silence in the news is eerie… It definitely feels like the calm before the storm… I’m still praying that August is our month. Most of what I’m being told right now is to expect anywhere from last Monday to September 4th – somewhere in there to see us actually making commitments… we’ll see… I think the silence is on purpose.



The conversation about Iraq continues to be fantastic… we keep hearing stories about lower denominations on the streets, but the people who are physically there say no – not yet… but they are physically prepared for it… There has been a steamroller of progress in Iraq. Things continue to move…


The Impending Financial Collapse: The Fall of the Elites

The global financial system is on the brink of a catastrophic collapse, a collapse that has been orchestrated by the very elites who have the most to lose.

Trillions of dollars in US Treasury bonds and reinsurance bonds are being returned to Europe and more than 110 nations, signaling the imminent insolvency of the US Corporation.

This collapse is not an accident; it is a deliberate move to expose the corrupt foundations of the global financial system and bring about its downfall.

In France, the government’s blatant theft of its citizens’ wealth has sparked widespread riots and civil unrest, a clear sign that the people will no longer tolerate exploitation by their leaders.

In Germany, hyperinflation is decimating the metals industry, crippling arms production and pushing corporations to the brink of bankruptcy.

Deutsche Bank’s involvement in the Epstein scandal, along with its ties to international banking networks, is coming to light, leading to global investigations that could tear the entire system apart.


The Great Awakening: The Inevitable Fall of Corrupt Institutions

As we approach the brink of global collapse, the world is waking up to the reality of the Great Awakening — a multi-step process that involves the exposure of hidden truths, covert operations, military interventions, courts, and the cleansing of corrupt institutions around the world.



This is the reality that is shaking the foundations of the global elite.

The power structures that have ruled the world for decades—NATO, the UN, the WHO, the global banking cartels—are now facing their inevitable downfall. These institutions, which have been complicit in human trafficking, global conflicts, and the suppression of freedom, are being exposed for what they really are: tools of the elite to maintain control over the masses.

Jeffrey Epstein, a man with deep ties to these networks, is just the beginning. Intelligence gathered by military sources, including data from McAfee’s servers, is poised to reveal the full extent of the corruption that has plagued the world for decades.


Hidden Alliances and the Global Shift of Power

While the world’s attention is focused on Germany’s strategic alliance with China and Russia, a more shocking revelation is emerging: Poland’s secret pact with these global powers.

This clandestine deal, which also involves Italy, France, Austria, Hungary and others, is setting the stage for a new world order where the banks of these nations will merge into a powerful subsidiary of the EU’s BRICS system after the impending conflict.

Poland’s actions, such as sending jets to Ukraine, are part of a grand strategy to dismantle NATO and expose corruption at the heart of the EU.

It’s time to activate EBS  –  08/29/2024



 This is an excerpt from Shinichiro Ishikawa’s YouTube livestream, which is distributing Intel information at the request of the Alliance.

  The international financial system will change 180°


 The international financial system has changed 180 degrees following decisions taken on Sunday, August 25, and Wednesday, August 28, US Eastern Time.
 The foundation of this new international financial system was supported by the reformist American military team of the New American Republic.
 The US military reformist team has been working behind the scenes to manage the QFS (Quantum Financial System) and support the BRICS economy.
 The US military reformist team will promote the new US dollar (USDN) as the gold standard currency of the New American Republic and build a system that will support the entire world from now on.
 The New Republic of America will undergo a major transformation with the new USDN currency based on the gold standard.

  The Underground Structure of the New American Republic



 The New American Republic is still beneath the surface, but it is under the leadership of the 19th President Trump and the 19th Vice President JFK Jr.
 Trump is the supreme commander of the US military and the supreme commander of the global military coalition, which includes more than 190 countries.
 Since July 1999, when the reformist US military began large-scale operations, it has spent the last 25 years investing time, much energy and large amounts of money to build a lasting peace, which was the goal of the system John F. Kennedy was established.

  Significance of the American presidential election



Today, the United States of America is a private corporation, the America Corporation.


The Corporation of America was simply a corporation created in 1871 to manage war costs during the Civil War.


The Corporation of America controlled every American by their social security number.


Furthermore, it was nothing more than a stock market in which each person’s lifetime earnings were used as collateral for America Inc., which managed the money.


Those who are especially enlightened feel and know that Japan is still under the colonial control of the America Corporation.


However, this US corporation has been under the colonial control of the Vatican, the British Royal Family and the shadowy forces of the DS.


This colonial rule has now been invalidated by the International Court of Justice.


Furthermore, America Inc.  was declared bankrupt  under the US Bankruptcy Act two years ago.


The current presidential election in the United States is a presidential election for the bankrupt America Corporation.


What is the meaning of such an election?


If these presidential elections have any meaning, it is to expose the dark forces of the DS, and they are simply holding the presidential elections as a decoy operation  .


  The Path to American National Renewal



From now on, as the New Republic of America, we will publicly announce the GESARA Declaration.


Under the new republic, we will advance on the path of regeneration of the American nation.


Behind the scenes, two-thirds of the 50 states of the United States have already recognized the New American Republic and joined the New Republic.


The EBS (World Emergency Broadcasting System) became necessary to show the world that America had become a new republic.


The EBS, managed and operated by the reformist US military,  will be activated soon.


  America under military rule



In January 2021, Trump deliberately did not assume the office of president.


“I’m going on a long journey.  And I’ll definitely be back.”


With that, he left the White House.


For more than three and a half years, Mr. Trump has been conducting a thorough investigation, ceding center stage to Mr. Biden and allowing the shadowy forces of DS to continue swimming.


And the important role of running the Biden administration was handed over to the retired US military during Trump’s term.


Therefore, the current United States has been under military rule since January 2021, when Biden took center stage.


In other words, the United States is currently under a military regime in which courts-martial and military tribunals are placed above the Supreme Court.


Of course, this is based on a US Supreme Court decision.


  A verdict of fraudulent elections was given.



The 2020 presidential election was rigged by the dark forces of DS.


The reformist US military saw through this fraudulent election in advance and installed watermarked ballots that were controlled by a blockchain and controlled by a quantum computer behind the scenes.


And when the US military reformists counted only the watermarked votes, Mr Trump received approximately 80% of the total votes.


On November 30, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the 2020 presidential election was invalid and Mr. Biden was disqualified.


It is the media’s fault for not making this trial public, but it may be that they did not do so in order to give priority to the full exposure and deception operation of the dark forces of DS.


And now, the defeat of the dark forces of DS has been decided and we are being forced into this situation.


Additionally, Kamala Harris, Biden, and a large number of members of Biden’s Democratic Party will be arrested ahead of the presidential election on Tuesday, November 5th of this year.


A prime example is Minnesota Governor Walz, who became the running mate of presidential candidate Kamala Harris.


He had just appeared on stage when his serious past misconduct was exposed by retired US military personnel.


So he was taken to a military court and charged with treason.


  It’s time to implement EBS



EBS (World Emergency Broadcasting) is ready to be activated at any time.


In fact,  the time is ripe  .


In fact, on both Sunday, August 25 and Monday, August 26, US time, the reformist US military requested the activation of the EBS.


Yet for some reason, Commander-in-Chief Trump instructed him to “stop.”


Under these circumstances, Russian President Putin


“Our time for patience is over.


The time for patience is finally over.”


That’s what he said.


There are only two days left until August.


In the last two days, the possibility of EBS activation has increased significantly  .


Typhoon No. 10 is acting in a truly strange and disturbing manner, leaving meteorologists in tears. Amidst this rain and wind, the unprecedented EBS will begin before September 2 (Monday Japan time, right?).







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Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.


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LATEST NEWS:  Aug 29, 2024

EBS Signal via Q-Phones and StarLink QG – The ultimate game-changer in global communication, finance, GESARA applications and universal basic income distribution! …Gitmo TV on Telegram

  • QFS Q-Phones and StarLink QG!  The ultimate game-changer in communication, finance, GESARA applications and universal basic income distribution.
  • In a world where uncertainty looms large and traditional systems teeter on the brink of collapse,  the Quantum Financial System (QFS) emerges as a beacon of hope, offering a revolutionary solution through Quantum Phones. Developed by a visionary team including QFS, StarLink QG and inspired by the spirit of innovation embodied by the late Steve Jobs, these quantum devices promise not only seamless communication but also financial security through GESARA applications. Brace yourselves for a paradigm shift as we delve deeper into the transformative potential of Quantum Phones and the imminent arrival of GESARA and UBI Distribution.
  • In an era characterized by rapid technological advancements and social upheaval,  the need for secure and reliable communications and financial systems has never been more urgent. Enter Quantum Phones, the brainchild of QFS, StarLink QG, and the visionary genius of Steve Jobs. These cutting-edge devices transcend the limitations of traditional smartphones, offering users an unparalleled level of security and functionality.
  • With the integration of Quantum Credit Cards,  users gain access to a revolutionary way to transact – withdrawing coins as cash becomes as easy as pressing a button. No longer shackled by the constraints of physical currency or vulnerable to the whims of centralized financial institutions, individuals empowered by Quantum Phones are on the cusp of a new financial frontier.
  • But the stakes are higher than mere convenience.  In a landscape fraught with uncertainty, where traditional assets are at stake and the specter of a “GREAT RESET” looms large, Quantum Phones are emerging as a lifeline. Those who cling to paper money risk losing everything as the tides of change sweep away outdated paradigms. It’s not just about adapting to survive; it’s about thriving in the face of adversity.
  • The imminent arrival of the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA) and the National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA)  heralds a new dawn for humanity. With its promise of economic prosperity and global equity, GESARA represents a seismic shift in the geopolitical landscape. And at the center of this transformation are Quantum Phones, the catalysts for change that will usher in a new era of financial abundance for all.
  • But make no mistake – the transition will not be easy.  While the old guard fights tooth and nail to maintain its grip on power, it is up to us, the vanguard of progress, to embrace the future with open arms. The choice is clear: remain chained to outdated systems and risk being left behind, or embrace the promise of Quantum Phones and secure our rightful place in the annals of history.
  • In the face of uncertainty, one thing is certain: the time to act is now.  By embracing Quantum Phones and the principles of GESARA, we are not only securing our own financial future, but also paving the way for a more just and equitable world. The road ahead may be fraught with challenges, but with courage, determination, and the power of quantum technology on our side, we will emerge victorious.
  • So, heed the call to action.  Embrace Quantum Phones. Embrace GESARA. And together, let’s forge a future worthy of our collective dreams.

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