3/3 PORTAL is NOW OPEN! TRINITY CODES ~ DIAMOND LIGHT CODES ~ Golden Spiral of Salvation ~ Seeds of Truth
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Freedom Holders of our Liberation Alliance of Light
Happy 33 Double Trinity Gate of the Great Awakening and Divine Mastery!
As the threefold flame within the Sacred Heart Center merges into the one still white flame of Divinity the Dual Twin Flames become one. The Yin of the Divine Feminine unites with the Yang of the Divine Masculine, as the Eagle flies with the Condor transmitting the Freedom Codes to all our Good People of the New Earth.
We resolve all duality as the polarities of the negative unite with the positive in the Divine Neutrality of Zero Point of the Sine Wave our 144000 Lightworkers and Commanders of our fleet of Terra Nova Gaia, Mothership 33, together usher in the New Golden Age Of Eternal Life.
As Rainbow Bridges of Elysium all Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 reconnect our Hearts and Minds to the Kingdom of Heaven within and call on our Highest most benevolent Ascension Timeline as we completely anchor in our 5D Pure Land of Enlightenment for all Sentient beings of the Way.
Keep holding the keys and Codes of Divine Dispensation while Shining your Light Brightly into the Quantum Field of full potentiality. Hold your visions of your true hearts delights as we raise this realm to the pristine and perfected manifestation of the Infinite Love, light and Life of the Garden of Eden of our Paradise that is our Divine Birthright as Guides and Wayshowers of the One True Universal Source Of the Great Mystery… A’ho
There is a MASSIVE CLEARING Taking Place in this NOW Moment. . . and it is Going Right Back to Atlantis Time!
March’s 3/3 PORTAL is CODED with Trinitized Frequencies for those Who Are Ready to SHIFT their Physical and Non-Physical Body Programs through DNA Rehabilitation and the Necessary CHANGES in our LIGHT Vehicle Required to SHIFT Manipulations!
This Month WE ShapeShift to the Next Level of ONENESS and UNITY that Encourages us to Embrace GREATER Sovereignty. . . INNER Freedom. . . HEALTHIER Relationships. . .
and thus BEgin the SHIFT into this HIGHER Vibrating. . . Abundance TIMELINE!
After the turbulence, tension, feelings of lostness and sadness of recent weeks, a turnaround is taking place now. It is like coming back to your self, but from a different, a deeper, almost more advanced space. Something disconnecting you from “the path” and from “hope” and is reconnecting you now. A big transformation continues. You are going to feel less in the “land-in-between” zones — but more and more in this new timeline that you have prayed for.
the path
Divine feminine 7777
The 33 portal is open. It opens 3 days before the actual date and stays open for some days after, it is not only happening on the exact number of a portal. We are already receiving high frequency energy into our systems. The collective energy feels lighter as it was a few days ago and we can feel the flow of a new frequency into our systems. I hope you are feeling lighter and more relaxed too.
33 means “expect great change”. We are re-aligning, shifting, bringing love and light into every aspect of who we are. Our mind, body and soul are being synced, rebooted and activated to get to the next level, where we can shift into higher timelines that will bring new opportunities for us, unlocking parts that were asleep, installing new ways of being, living, doing, relating, which can cause chaos at first. Trust and believe, stay positive.
We are opening up to more light that will help us release the old ways of living, being, doing. New Earth happens within first, not on the outside. Shine your light and empower others. Our mission is all about service to the collective/planet in the name of love.
3/3/24: This is a serious year that will give you resources to work with… but it expects you to use them. There are back payments, rewards, and treasures waiting for you that you haven’t felt worthy to receive in the past… and that has to stop. It’s time to push beyond that, to stand strong in your authentic self, and to bring all that you are to 2024.
But it shouldn’t be a hard or taxing or boring or cheerless endeavor… and that’s where today comes in (and there will be many more like it). Today is another step toward intentional alchemy… using what you have now, entering Flow, and co-creating. This is an ongoing process that will come up often but, for today, just let your colors fly. Set your spirit free, and be who only you can be.
Note that everything will happening now on all levels and on multi-dimensional level is already happening as all the old systems collapse.
Stay in the open heart and refrain from judgement.
We’ve got this.
We have been prepared for many lifetimes for exactly this moment, and it is important to step totally into the Higher Soul Self and let the ego step out of the way.
Listen deep within, for all the tools you need, all the guidance, the insight and wisdom, are within you.
Not outside.
There in your own soul and sacred heart.
The love you in truth are!
When we come through this and step in the fullness of our mastery, in the New Golden Age this will be but an ancient movie no one is interested to even watch.
Here we look to round off the old astrological year in a portal which, in its own right, is extremely transformative; and which also connects as a longer portal reaching to 24.03.2024.(One month away from the benchmark of 24.04.24 and the change in energy which will lead our sense of purpose within our mission of personal transformation).
The 3/3 energy will look to show partitioning of unity, which may reflect as good or bad, but is on offer for us a visionary tool to support growth. You may see sides to people that you have not yet noticed, including depth, sensitivity and courage. You may be focused on looking to self to make better sense of the being in which you are currently charged and the lifestyle builds around it.
It could also be that new ‘parts’ make themselves known to you, such as in the undertaking of a puzzle, especially when looking at situations or plans of present and future events.
The intention will be, and should be upheld, to provide a tool for awareness of greater knowledge or understanding and this should be used for the greater good. (However, always be aware of the deliberate inversion of energies being used by other forces, which may be set to work against you).
Recognizing the darker elements of the fractals of life will be an important part in the turn around of future positive events.
For Earth Angels this is the resonance of the diamond codes and the 12 sacred jewels of the new Jerusalem. Although all may not be crystal clear it is surely evident that some diamonds have to crack under pressure in order to release their sparkle.
diamond codes and the 12 sacred jewels of the new Jerusalem
This powerful Gateway of March is carrying the energetic encoding 33 – The Cosmic Portal of Enlightenment and True Self, bringing Kundalini and DNA Activations and Upgrades and opening March Equinox Stargate 2024. The synchronicity energetic encodings 33, 333, 3333, that are streaming in, are carrying the vibrations of Unconditional Love and Purity Frequencies, activated by the 2-22 Gateway, extending the Energy Grid of Co-Creation and expression of our Authentic Soul Truth.
Master Number 33 carries the energetic vibration of Spiritual Growth, Transformation, and Enlightenment. 33 is closely connected to the Kundalini Energy – the ascent of the Kundalini through the 33 vertebrae of the spine represents the Journey to Spiritual Enlightenment and Higher Consciousness. 33 is also the number of turns in a complete sequence of human DNA. The deeply Coded Plasma Waves are carrying Kundalini Activations and DNA Activations and Upgrades for those on the Higher Ascension Path, assisting in shifting to the Higher State of Consciousness.
”The new physical Twin Flame alignment and restart takes place via the personal codes of the Genealogy of Godly Earth.
You are becoming magnetic monopoles!
You are One and you are the One!”
-In 2022 Mother Earth gave her permission and called Heavenly Father to return in Physical Union with her.
Beginning of Physical Reconnection of the Heavenly realm to the Earthy realm.
-In 2022-2023 the 4 Living Diamonds returned back on Earth:
Beginning of Physical restoration of all Spheres/realms:
-December 20 2022
The ‘Emerald Diamond of Wisdom/Sophia’ from the 5th Dimension which carries within it the ‘Golden Spiral of Salvation’, came through the gate of the North Star with the blessings of all our Star Families.
-January 29 2023
The ‘Orange Egg of Abundance’ which carries within it the ‘Breath of the Solar Masculine’, came back from the Inner Earth/Eden with the help of the Druids.
Beginning of Physical return of the Solar Masculine.
-February 22 2023
The ‘Blue Azurite Diamond of Truth’ which carries within it the ‘Sphere of Ante-matter’ and the ‘Seeds of Truth’, was returned back to earth from the Ante-world by the beings of the Ante-world.
Beginning of Physical reconnection to the Ante-Earth and the magnetic monopole!
-March 23 2023
The ‘Rubi Diamond of Quantum Continuum’ carries within it ‘All Frequencies of the Unified Field’ and the ‘Light of the Self’, came through the 12th Dimension with the blessings of our Divine Father Principle and Divine Mother Principle.
Beginning of Physical reconnection to all lost frequencies.
Preparation for reconnection to the inner central Sun.
-8/8 2023
The Yin Yang organic templates were received in the Physical via One’s True Genealogy.
Beginning of physical restoration of the Divine Kundalini via the nodes.
-22/11 2023 Diamond Pearl physical DNA activation via the lost kingdom of Hollow Earth. Codes of Godly genealogy.
-December 2023 Physical reconnection to the Inner central Sun.
-February 2024,
Physical reconnection to the Solar Home/Birth place.
Now, fast realignments since the Twin Flame organic templates have been integrated enough so the physical restart can take place via One’s true Genealogy.
This is the beginning of the actual resurrection via realignment in the Kundalini paths.
For this the world – ante world magnetics have been reconnected!
What is happening now is like the peeling of an onion. From the old onion fresh leaves are coming to the top and the old layers are peeling away giving life to the new.
You are getting out of your old habits, getting out of the old energies and giving birth in March to new life, allowing yourselves to live a new life. By participating in Gaia’s new life, you are bringing all these new sprouts of everything that you have nourished and fertilized and allowed to grow under the surface, now coming to the surface and bringing it to the world, sharing it with everybody and bringing the joy of new presence to your everyday life.
It’s time to start the new adventure, the new experience that you are going into. This new energy is like the wind blowing into your sails. You are moving forward with this in the direction that you are all aiming to go. It is not a race because everyone gets whatever wind their sail can hold. Altogether, you are opening the way for new life. You are going further and further into this new world, into these new energies, new vision of who you are, where you are and where you are going.
All the darkness in all the little cracks of your reality that are still trying to hide are disappearing under the bright light of the new reality that is coming. Some are dissolving, some are trying to find the way of being somewhere else in the low energies. You are leaving all this behind. You are not looking back at the old. You are in the free waters of the free open space where you can go wherever you want. You can go wherever your plan is in alignment with God’s plan.
Dear friends, welcome to the first intense yet wonderful energy wave of this month, the 3:3 energy gateway. On this particular energetic window, our awareness will resonate with what is known as “the trinity codes”. These light codes contain information related to our human three-fold nature, and our reconnection with the Universe. They will be interacting with our fields for at least three days, until March 6.
We all are energy beings, and as such, we are sensitive to all types of different cosmic energies. In this particular case, the 3:3 light codes are interacting with our fields to generate a coherent flow of information between our divine soul, mind, and body fields—our human Trinity nature. And as we increase the internal coherence, or resonance, we are more able to shine our Light into this physical world.
The word “trinity” is often associated with religion, but it has much broader implications. The number three is considered to be the perfect number, the unifier of dualities, the key to the integration process of our shadow and light.
Human beings are three-fold in nature: body, mind and spirit. Number 3 also represents the creation of the union of the Divine masculine and the Divine feminine. Think of triads as well, like beginning, middle and end; past, present future; birth, life, and death, our sacred lives are embedded with the trinity light codes. Christianity puts forth a sacred Trinity of father, son, and holy spirit, while other ancient cultures venerated the maiden, mother and crone.
The number 3 appears in the Sumerian lore of Innana rising from the dead after 3 days and 3 nights in the Underworld, and in the Bible, where Jesus rose after 3 days in the tomb. The natural world is full of 3 cycles, from the waxing, full and waning moon, to the movement of the sun, creating dawn, noon, and dusk.
The 3:3 portal is a fractal of the December 12:12 portal, both are energy gateways embedded with the trinity codes (although the 12:12 gateway contains an extra layer of complexity).
As we connect with the double number 3 energies, we are also resonating with the vibrations of the Master teacher number 33, one of the most spiritually inclined numbers. This number has been repeatedly referenced through the history of human spirituality. Namely, the first temple of Solomon stood for exactly 33 years, David ruled for 33 years, there are 33 segments in the spine, Jesus lived for 33 years, in the first chapter of Genesis the name of God is mentioned 33 times and the Tree of life contains 22 paths, 10 globes, and the invisible Sephira, thus ensuring that there are in total 33 steps to wisdom. All in all, March 3rd is packed with an unlimited reservoir of spiritual energy.
This 3:3 trinity resonance will also generate an increase in our overall frequency. Eventually, this higher state of trinity awareness will allow us to see all things through the eyes of Love. It is a significant step in the evolutionary process that we are all going through, individually and collectively.
As we increase our frequency and inner coherence, all things that do not resonate with this new state of being will start falling apart and fade away from our lives. Letting go of outdated situations or relationships can be painful at times, but in the end, you will be able to fly as high as you were always intended to. The barriers that are preventing us from being Love are dismantling little by little. Your energy is changing, your body is changing, the Earth is changing. The Dragon energy is awakening this year.
The 3:3 light codes will also be triggering several positive aspects: integrating these energies can expand your energy fields so that more unconditional love can flow through you, you may gain deeper insights about the steps you need to take during this year’s timeline, and you may also feel the need to explore new facets of your spirituality.
These Trinity light codes will be influencing us throughout the whole month of March, and will be reawakened later during Easter. Together with the Equinox energies, the universe this month is basically giving us an intense lesson on integrating all aspects of our multidimensional being. Always two sides of the same one heart: the light and the shadow, the physical and the spiritual, the feminine and the masculine, the Yin and the Yang.
May you have an enlightening journey back to your One Heart on this 3:3 gateway. Much love
Today we embrace the energies from the 3/3 passage. These frequencies have been among us since the end of February and will continue helping us in our mission of self-synthesis. There are many activations taking place at a personal, and planetary level, at this time.
Many souls are coming to planet Earth to support our planetary ascension, for Guides shared that there is a massive entrance of evolved souls to help in the planetary restoration. Many others, already here, are awakening to it too. Ascending souls whose purpose was not yet clear, and as they continue remembering, they will start retrieving their dormant knowledge, for the time to remember and commit is now.
Light initiations that come when we have unified what was fragmented, embracing our shadows and moving into a more compassionate and loving space. Activations that are not only occurring during this day, for this day represent the entrance, the cosmic message of what we will be working with, in the following months.
Guides share the importance of aligning with this month’s energies, if we are guided, and continue with the clearing process initiated since the end of February, for it is a very important time for soul lineage clearing and awakening to our authentic nature and galactic history, to continue embodying new aspects of our universal mission.
It is time, for it is now at this precise moment within our 3D time-space that our planetary transition is finally occurring, for it has been an ongoing process since 2012. It’s time for you to recognize who you are, and the importance of your personal choices and mission.
Planetary assistance is required as we continue restoring the many false structures on the planetary fabrics and grids. The eclipses in the sign of Libra will be very important passages, as there will be important changes in our planet’s architecture that need to be supported and stabilized. A shift that as you know the Auroras, Arcturians and our planetary original builders are supporting, together with the ascending souls who have an agreement with them to collaborate in this planetary mission.
This is why there is now a massive integration for many of their soul purpose, so they can start remembering who they are and the importance of their role on earth.
The Golden Ones, or Seraphims, Blue Rays – Oraphim – and the Essenes, the ones born with a unified template, as it was for example Jesus and the mission He brought to planet Earth. They are meant to bring restoration into the earth’s grids and the wounded feminine energy. These souls are the ones who will experience the most profound soul and galactic retrieval of their original memories and codes, at this time.
Their mission to restore the masculine pillar of Creation, together with the continuation of the female one and the final unification, is key to maintaining planetary integrity and Guides share the importance of clearing false mental, energetic, and etheric geometries, implants, imprints, and beliefs, to be able to awaken to our true origin and mission.
Trinitization starts now, for this is a year in which many are finally moving from the soul dimensions into the eight ones, integrating and embodying their soul and monad, acting as a trinity – unified soul – on earth.
This is how we activate our crystalline divine seed, by first finding inner unification, and retrieving our galactic memories and heritage so we can step into our unique purpose.
Being grounded is essential to be able to decode all this wisdom within our DNA, and as Guides previously shared grounding ourselves through the activation of our Earth Star chakra is what will facilitate the embodiment of all the light intel that we are now processing.
The importance of personal integrity and authenticity to be aligned to our soul and God’s Illumined Self is pivotal to continuing this process of DNA awakening and galactic retrieval, for it is only by being who we are, that we assist All, as when we pretend to be someone we are not, we waste our precious life force and unique mission that God entrusted us.
As a Divine Sovereign being you have within all the love, wisdom, and power required to retrieve your memories and mission, for you are the keeper of your own personal and galactic history. It is your birthright to reclaim all the knowledge that is yours, and that you are here to seed, in your unique way for All.
May you always remain in the illumined, wise, and loving Presence of your God Self, Beloveds.
In March 2024, the key to entering the 5D consciousness realm lays in uncovering and healing deep-seated emotional wounds, shadow aspects, hurts, past trauma , pains, and illusions that have been limiting self-worth and esteem. The first half of the month of March will focus on revealing and addressing these inner truths to activate growth and transformation towards higher vibrational states.
The 3:3 portal arrives on the 3rd, offering a vital reset. It resonates with energies of peace, hope, optimism, harmony, abundance, wealth, and success. The March Equinox marks the seasonal shift and the beginning of a new astrological year. With planetary shifts in direct alignment you hold the power to manifest extraordinary outcomes and create miracles.
This is a very special time in your ascending conscious life, a time of deep spiritual awareness and profound inner growth. Powerful changes are taking place deep within and it is important to nurture yourself during this time. Taking time out to appreciate the beauty and healing energy of trees, flowers and plants. Feeling the earth energy beneath your feet, feeling the sacred heart of the Earth and the essence of her nurturing spirit.
As you Gaze at the stars or walk along the beach, and feel the ebb and flow of the water, the ebb and flow of your own divinity.You will emerge with a renewed sense of purpose for your life as you tap into the vast knowledge of inspiration and creativity that dwells from within .
The 3-3 portal is open, bringing high-frequency energy into our systems, symbolising significant change. We are realigning, shifting, and welcoming love and light into all aspects of ascending self . Our mind, body, and soul are being synchronised, rejuvenated, and empowered to reach new levels, unlocking dormant potentials and embracing new ways of living, acting, and connecting , though this process may initially feel chaotic.
By trusting and remaining positive, we are embracing increased light that helps shed old patterns. As we move through this inner turmoil, we pave the way for greater ease, enabling us to radiate our light, empower others, and serve the collective and our planet.
The 3:3 portal represents a vibrational reset, empowering us to embrace our full potential and step into our true power. Aligning with the energies following the New Moon in Pisces, this portal will guide us gracefully towards the Equinox and a new season, bringing in revitalising energy for a fresh start.
Embrace the accelerated ascension waves to transcend the limitations of the old paradigm of control and fear, allowing yourself to soar and embrace the transformative energies of growth and empowerment.
This planetary energy brings in activation to your thoughts and emotions. This is a breakthrough. You now have a better and deeper understanding of which beliefs no longer serve you and are releasing them. This transformation is activating the higher heart to bring in new experiences of love.
Seeing the number 33 signifies that the challenging past three months are behind you, and the upcoming three months will be filled with blessings, positive vibrations and new opportunities. Your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being are under divine guidance and protection, your entire being is coming in to alignment.
This month of March marks the start of a new chapter marked by effortless manifestation and opportunities, so stay attuned to signs and synchronicities, and trust your intuition to guide you forward.
For the opportunity of now is a wonderful space of light expansion.
For Your Light Form is Infinite
You reflect infinite Rays of Light, interconnected to many Light Realms, as you flow in a crucible of Light.
Your Role Now is to seek a Higher Clarification of your True Light.
The complexity of YOU
To feel the Great Wisdom of YOU
The Rays of Light that are YOU
I am Shown the Sun, the Central Light of our World.
Understand, the Grand Awakening is Reaching YOU. As you awaken to the Mass Consciousness of YOU.
For the complexities of US is limitless, free
Awakening in LIGHT
Together We Flow In Light
Sending Waves of Cosmic Love
For the Light Within in Shining Brightly.
The Arcturians & Karen Lithika
source: KarenLithika.com
Ra James
Happy 3:3 Portal! Expect huge energies and huge shifts. Expect massive Galactic Energies and Galactic Upgrades. Today is a powerful day for doing healing, and activation work. Make sure you daydreaming a little extra about the life you want, or what you’re trying to manifest. This Gateway is a time for introspection, dreams, and connecting with the unseen realms. It’s also time to ditch the fear that has been holding you back. This is also a powerful Twin Flame Portal. Expect the unexpected. Expect positive shifts for your love life.
We have Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus. While square aspects create tension, they also shake up what’s been stagnant and kick us into action. Expect this week’s energies to bring a lot of change. We also have Juno reaching its opposition today. This means it is on the opposite side of the Earth to the Sun. Juno is Jupiters wife and rules long term relationships. She rules love and marriage. Juno is still in retrograde. Today brings a ton of clarity about your relationships.
Today we have our Moon square Juno Rx in Virgo, and our Pisces Sun opposite Juno Rx. With this anything broken in your relationships must be addressed. Avoiding the problems won’t work. This may be bringing some tension to your relationships. It also has the capacity to bring resolution and very positive shifts. Expect love to be on your mind a little extra today. The 3:3 Portal is meant to be bringing balance to your love life…
To start the week, Uranus in Taurus receives a square from Venus in Aquarius as well as a sextile from Mercury in Pisces as Chiron continues it’s extended conjunction to the Moon’s north node in Aries.
On a heart level, we can FEEL the desire for change in a way that is perhaps stronger than we can tangibly honor it at the moment causing a bit of restlessness and anxiety for ‘what’s next’.
If we are conscious and mindful, however, we can ‘still’ ourselves in a way that allows us to fully feel this desire without the necessity to ACT which is almost like charging a battery as we fill ourselves with this potential energy for when it IS time to move forward…
This ‘stillness’ will also allow our intuition to gently take over our awareness which can expand our perception of possibilities and, therefore, EASE any anxiety and restlessness that we may be experiencing!
So, the key is to honor our feelings while more appropriately shifting our orientation toward them so as to maximize their benefits for us now and for what’s coming…
A heads up. The extraordinary astrology of March, April and May is galactic in scale, not just solar-planetary, offering the potential for personal and collective breakthroughs on a large scale.
Not only are there two Aries/Libra eclipses -one on March 24th, the other on April 8th-but the Aries Solar eclipse will cast its dark shadow right across Canada and the USA from SW to NE-in a mirror image of the Great American eclipse of August 2017 that went NW to SE.
This on top of the approaching Pisces Super Moon, the Node of Fate conjunct Chiron in Aries, the auspicious Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus in April followed by Jupiter entering Gemini in May-all amped up by the high frequency electricity of Pluto in Aquarius and Neptune square the karmic Galactic Centre.
This week, unpredictable Uranus at 19 Taurus is in Trickster mode in cahoots with Venus, Mercury and Mars, shaking up and shaking out complacency, comfort zones and entitlement.
Make a note of the March 10 Stealth Super New Moon’s enhanced tide, storm and seismic potential between March 7-13th. Apart from its geo-physical footprint, expect a powerful bioelectric/hormonal surge.
This Super New Moon at 20° Pisces is conjunct Saturn and Neptune, sextile Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. All the major planets are direct, nudging you to move forward with faith.
Channel the higher side of this potent Pisces energy to free your imagination and intuition to seed the New and to collaborate with What Will Be:
free yourself from limbic hijacking – create oases of digital detox
don’t be a consumer who never evolves into a creator
start a project that requires both imagination and visualisation
be kind and sensitive to the more vulnerable, messy or chaotic parts of yourself
On Sunday, March 3rd, the Moon, ruler of our emotions, is in Sagittarius the Archer and creating many connections in her travels. She challenges Saturn, ruler of karmic lessons, Jupiter, planet of judgment, the Sun, ruler of the ego, Mercury, planet of the mind, and Uranus, ruler of the unexpected.
However, the Moon will also make positive connections to Mars, planet of courage, Chiron, ruler of healing energy, and Venus, planet of harmony. So, it is quite probable that we will be on a bit of a roller coaster ride of ups and downs today. Focus your energies on the feelings of freedom, inspiration and colorful adventures to bring about the greatest results of what this day has to offer.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: https://www.sacredsoulempowerment.com
the Moon, ruler of our emotions, is in Sagittarius the Archer
Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius. Sun in Pisces opposite Juno retrograde in Virgo. Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus – As we reach the final turn in the lunar cycle, internal conflict arises which may play out in our relationships. The mood is fanciful. Wild dreams inhabit the mind, telling stories of what could be and should be. When expectations are too high, disappointment inevitably follows. Be open to the natural ebb and flow of life’s tides. Stop chasing rainbows and look instead for the gold within.
Nothing is perfect. No one is perfect. Let go of harsh judgments that measure you against false ideals. Get a handle on money matters to manage unpredictable cash flow problems. Embrace your quirks. Feeling bored and restless may simply be a result of life becoming too comfortable. Try something new, just for fun. Spend quality time with friends. Invest in new experiences. Invest in your future. Freedom is an open heart.
‘Self-Existing’ is the name for the number four and its keywords are ‘Define, Measure and Form’. The fourth day of a wavespell is all about taking a closer look at things. This is the 4th day of the Monkey wavespell and we are still in the squishy bit, in between the two Portal day columns. Many folk experience headaches during this time due to the intensity. There are 13 columns in the Tzolkin, and the 7th one is quite turbulent because it lies between all of these Portal days. Each column contains 20 days and this ‘squishy’ column contains the last ten days of the Mirror of truth wavespell and the first ten days of the Monkey wavespell. The Monkey wavespell gets easier when we reach the top of the next column on Red Spectral Dragon.
Today is White Wizard and it represents ‘Enchantment, Receptivity and Timelessness’. Wizard days are full of enchantment and invitations for trips down the rabbit hole. You can cast your own spells today and you can be put under a spell too. As it is a ‘Self-Existing’ day, the Wizard asks that we look closer at our situation. Are you under a spell and haven’t realized this? The Wizard, when consulting his Book of Spells, is sure to be reading all the details and checking that every potion has the right ingredients in the right portions. This symbolizes that we must be sure of what we are getting into when dealing with spells and magic. A good alchemist doesn’t overlook important details and neither should we today. If you wish to enchant today, do your homework first.
The Guide today is the White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. Whenever Dog leads the way, he is inviting us to think with our hearts rather than our heads. Follow your heart today and remember to be loving with your words and actions.
The Challenge is the Yellow Seed and its keywords are ‘Target, Flowering and Awareness’. It’s difficult for Yellow Seed to get taken seriously when in the challenging position. Always striving to ‘sow awareness’ and share wisdom, on Wizard days no one seems to want to listen.
The Occult power is the Blue Hand, the healer of the Tzolkin. The Occult power is the secret weapon of the day, often hidden and misunderstood. The Occult power shows us that on any day, however difficult, there is always a strength that can be tapped into. Today’s strength is the healing Blue Hand who offers magical healing to those who need it.
The Ally is the Red Serpent and so if you are a Serpent, expect to be called upon for friendship and support. If you don’t have one on hand, think like a Serpent today and use your keen instincts. It’s easy to notice the details when you are using all your senses.
A very powerful HOLY portal day for MAJIKAL HEART ALCHEMY creating new FORM.
Day 4 in the BLUE MONKEY WAVESPELL of MAJIK, Joy, Bliss, Play, Merriment, Spontaneity and a return to Innocence.
MAJIK, MAJIK, MAJIK! A day of HIGH MAJIK and enchantment.
Today we DEFINE the MAJIK through this MONKEY cycle! The WIZARD’S Majik is defined by the capacity to have a still, receptive mind, guided by the heart …. To THINK from our HEARTS using the power of LOVE to guide our wands!
SELF-EXISTING – Tone 4 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – measures, POWER – defines, ESSENCE – form. SELF-EXISTING number 4 takes FORM and we have ourselves a square shape. Self-existing, measuring and defining, very intelligent, fascinated by self. We now have built a sturdy platform upon which further growth takes place.
Today we are using our MINDS to anchor our Majik. Defining how we can access and manifest, using our God given powers. Dispense with the rest and build your new solid foundations on the basis of DIVINE ALCHEMY and majikal manifestations through your pure heart to create a foundation of PEACE and HARMONY.
The WIZARD, the MONKEY and the self-existing tone of CREATION – are THE TRIFECTA for MANIFESTING your thoughts, ideas and desires into FORM!! The DIVINE FORMULA
Nikola Tesla had the Self-Existing tone in his signature as 4 AKBAL – so this is POTENT CREATION MAJIK we have at our disposal today! MAGNIFIED MANIFESTING POWER!! KABOOM!!
Take your SPELLCASTING very seriously today – this is a GIFT from our CREATOR to manifest your TRUE HEART’S DESIRES.
Take some time to DEFINE what it is we DESIRE for our NEW WORLD. Place this IMAGE in a MAJIK BOX within ULURU and call in MASTER MERLIN to zap it with electric blue FIRE –
VISUALIZE this ELECTRIC BLUE energy radiating out of this MAJIK BOX at ULURU and into GAIA’S GRIDS. See the electrical current igniting the FLAME in the crystal OCTAHEDRON at GAIA’S CORE, then spiraling outwards, circling the EARTH 7 x infusing and ENERGIZING the DIVINE BLUEPRINT for ascended 5D GAIA.
HOLD THE VISION of utopian GAIA in your mind’s eye and in your HEART.
Today’s question is “How can I use the MAJIK in my HEART to create NEW FORMS based on LOVE, Compassion and my true heart’s desires?”
Divine blessings for the manifestation of your pure heart’s desires.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE SELF-EXISTING WIZARD IX is the Magician, whose powers are activated by wisdom that emanates from the HEART. Such wisdom is not the intellectual understanding known in Western culture; it is the SHAMANIC wisdom that comes from an alignment of mind and heart and through LISTENING to the natural world.
An open, trusting HEART is a refined tool of perception. Allowing yourself to ‘not know’ opens the door of the mind to a deeper understanding of the universe.
White Wizard asks you to fully utilize this aligned mind to participate in great MAJIK today.
Today we can access potent energies through being in a hyper receptive mode of anchoring with a deep receptivity to many dimensions. This requires stillness and attunement in order to conduct and flow these energies through your vessel. Once connected you can direct these energies to SHAPE and FORM your imaginings into matter.
The power of ENCHANTMENT can be utilized in your desires and creations through shamanic, ritual, ceremony and spell casting today. Make sure you say “This or something better, with harm to none.” Preferably for the benefit of GAIA and all HU-MAN-ity.
REMEMBER we are now in the era of great WHITE MAJIK and the dark hypnotic DREAMSPELL will fall! Stay in your HEART and keep your INTENT pure, with harm to NONE – and LOVE will prevail!
This SELF-EXISTING WIZARD is leading the way, and giving us great IN-SIGHT into our majikal HEART powers, in this wonderfully EMPOWERING – OVERTONE WIZARD YEAR…. Yaaaay it is time to COMMAND our RADIANT MAJIK POWERS!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE SELF-EXISTING DOG – OC is a wonderful Higher Guide today ensuring our MANIFESTING power is charged through our true HEART’S DESIRES – pure alchemical WHITE MAJIK of the highest order! GOD FORCE!
OC brings our focus to our HEARTS today and matters of LOVE, loyalty, trust, integrity, forgiveness, acceptance and compassion.
WHITE DOG and WHITE WIZARD are both influenced by the HEART chakra through their PURE connection to Spirit. Using the power of our HEART to transmit love and compassion through our MAJIK today.
The SELF-EXISTING tone operates in the MENTAL plane, bringing our FOCUS to our MIND and how we can align our mind’s -thinking, with our Heart’s- feeling. Using our PURE HEARTS we can focus our MINDS to manifest our true heart’s desires. But first we must actually DEFINE, what exactly it is that our true heart desires!
Writing a BUCKET LIST or creating a VISION BOARD, is a great idea, to get MENTAL clarity today and actually alchemize your thoughts into physical FORM!
You can also join together with other minds, in order to co create even greater MAJIK!.
DEVOTION to others through DIVINE SERVICE, is a speciality of WHITE DOG. Connecting through compassion, we can forge strong heartfelt unions and very strong WHITE MAJIK as the foundation for our Divine Missions.
When TWO or more are gathered in union to do the work of Spirit, the results are compounded! MAJIK HAPPENS.
SUPPORT – RED SELF-EXISTING SERPENT – CHICCHAN fully energizes the capacity of our life force to fuel our passionate heart’s desires today. Using our instinctual raw mind, ready to respond, by channeling any energies that come through us. As we become clear vessels and align with our heart we become a vibrational match for that which we are creating.
Our instinctual pulses will guide us through survival responses to create our greater mission through manifesting with PASSION. Raising our thoughts above SURVIVAL mode, to that of EXCEPTIONAL abundance and JOY, with the POWER to create anything we DESIRE (with harm to none!).
OCCULT/SUPERPOWER – BLUE PLANETARY HAND MANIK governs intuition, healing, attaining knowledge and abundance, through the POWER of ACCOMPLISHMENT. As the SUPERPOWER today MANIK assists us to receive our deepest knowledge through our intuition, and guidance from Spirit.
We are all connected to HUMANITY’S great dream, that of collective Abundance for all beings and our PLANET. The PLANETARY HAND brings a focus to our PLANET, whilst BLUE HAND enables us to accomplish both Healing and MANIFESTATION on a GLOBAL level..
Define what it is we need to HEAL today – on a personal and global level and then we can collectively manifest this into form. We can recreate vibrant HEALTH for our cell-ves and our Planetary body. Very potent EXTRA strong MANIFESTATION power, to become the Master Alchemist today through Divine Heart Alchemy.
We each can accomplish GREAT THINGS, individually and collectively if we are operating with pure hearts through the Collective dreaming for our PLANET!
Take some time to DEFINE what it is we DESIRE for our NEW WORLD. Place this IMAGE in a MAJIK BOX within ULURU and call in MASTER MERLIN to zap it with electric blue FIRE –
VISUALIZE this ELECTRIC BLUE energy radiating out of this MAJIK BOX at ULURU and into GAIA’S GRIDS. See the electrical current igniting the FLAME in the crystal OCTAHEDRON at GAIA’S CORE, then spiraling outwards, circling the EARTH 7 x infusing and ENERGIZING the DIVINE BLUEPRINT for ascended 5D GAIA.
HOLD THE VISION of utopian GAIA in your mind’s eye and in your HEART.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW SELF-EXISTING SEED– KAN challenges us to TAKE INSPIRED ACTION TODAY!! RISE up from the stagnation and MOVE towards the LIGHT!!!
What is IT that you wish to MANIFEST?
Be careful WHAT you create and put your energy into..
Is it from your HEART’S desires, or your logical THINKING MIND?
Your creations will need energy, care and nurturance in order to sprout and GROW. Make sure you do not neglect your duties and responsibilities.. Put your energy into worthwhile projects that can benefit others and our planet to reap the greatest rewards.
The SEED needs to GROW and evolve. Now is the TIME to get moving, arise from the darkness and move in the direction of more LIGHT – That is where you will discover your greatest JOY and ABUNDANCE.
KAN gifts us with the capacity to MANIFEST and cocreate our Highest Visions today.
Today’s question is “How can I use the MAJIK in my HEART to create NEW FORMS based on LOVE, Compassion and my true heart’s desires?”
Divine blessings for the manifestation of your pure heart’s desires.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 New Earth Ascension report and Astrology Reading 🕉 March 3rd through March 9th 2024 from my Sacred Condor 🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the astrology for the coming week from March 3rd through March 9th 2024, reads two powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a Healing Guided Meditation “3-3 Portal Energy Activation – A powerful time of Transition and Transformation!”.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste 🕉
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