Alien Human Hybrids

Alien Human Hybrids are Here on Earth
Uncovering disconcerting reports about aliens’ plans for the future of Earth. He reported that a “change” is coming; a future when very human-like hybrids would intermingle with humans in everyday life. “Soon we will all be together,” the aliens said. “Soon everyone will be happy and everyone will know his place.”
Examines a disturbing phenomenon that Jacobs began noticing in 2003. The alien integration action plan has kicked into high gear.The incidents of alien abductions have accelerated as have occurrences of alien involvement in everyday human life. A silent and insidious invasion has begun. Alien hybrids have moved into your neighborhood and into your workplace. They have been trained by human abductees to “pass,” to blend in to society, to appear as normal as your next door neighbor.
Alien Human Hybrids are Here on Earth was recorded in October 2015.

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David M. Jacobs with Jeff Rense, September 16, 2015.

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